The Amillubi project, promoted by the organic farming association Biolur, must amount to 390,000 euros among citizens, collectives, companies and institutions. That money needs 5 hectares of forest and 4 hectares of agricultural land in the Iraeta district of Zestoa to buy and repair the Amilibia farmhouse of 514 useful square meters.
On 1 December the possibility of making a financial contribution through the web with the help of the Coop57 Foundation was launched and at the end of February 80,119 euros (81,579 euros to write this news) were accumulated. Amillubi is committed to reaching 150,000 euros among the population by the end of May, which is just over half the amount to reach after half the deadline. They call on the citizens to put their grain on this project: "From grain to grain we will be able to seed our seeds towards food sovereignty in Amillubi lands."
Other ways to contribute to Amillubi are the small shops where local food is sold and the tables of Biolur farmers at the fairs, where vouchers are sold for a very special draw. The prize to draw at the end of March will be “a land connection session in Amillubin” with the humorist Enecoach for five people and a meal at the Txindurri Iturri sewage in Itziar.
The listeners at Egonarria have the opportunity to get two double entries for this Enecoach connection session. To do so, you have to answer the question posed by Eli Pagola: "Since malaise is a program that hears the Earth, what are you going to Earth?" Send your answers to the phone (0034) 688 86 94 52 (SMS, telegram or whatsapp).
With the fundraising campaign, the Amillubi team has already begun planning the food that will be worked on the grounds of the farmhouse. In spring it is planned to prepare land for subsequent crop production. These include the nursery of leek plants and the planting of beans and maize. "Amillubi's machinery is underway. The land has begun to beat," said project members.