Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Spanish Justice begins the process of closure and confiscation of the Herriko Tabernas

  • Sortu has denounced that the National Court has begun to execute the judgment of the local bars and associations, in full lockdown of citizens. In particular, the court has ordered the seizure of the current accounts of the hotel establishments of the city.
Argazkia: Zumaiako Libre

22 April 2020 - 16:10

In 2015, the Supreme Court issued a judgment in case 35/02, confirming the order of the National Court that closed and seized 107 bars and cultural associations linked to the Abertzale left. Since then there have not been many movements, but, as Sortu has reported, in recent days some of these bars and societies have received communications announcing that the judgment will be enforced.

The execution of the judgment has therefore begun to seize the current accounts and a member of the Sortu has assured that "in some villages, as if they had been confused, current accounts that had nothing to do with the judgment".

Sortu has denounced that this is the "greatest economic and political theft since the war of 1936" that has occurred in the Basque Country. The independence training considers that the Spanish Government is using "noises of war" by the coronavirus, "placing the Civil and Military Guards in the front line of propaganda against the health crisis, but this sentence that should be of the past reminds us that the authoritarianism of the Kingdom of Spain is unfortunately not new".

Umpteenth sentence on "Everything is ETA"

In a 785 page ruling, in addition to ordering the confiscation of the Herriko Tabernas and associations, the judge reduced the penalty of three years for the extension of the trial to more than a decade, and sentenced Joseba Permach, Rufi Etxeberria, Karmelo Landa and Juan Kruz Aldasoro of the Abertzale left to one year and ten months. Floren Aoiz, Antton Morcillo and Jon Gorrotxategi were sentenced to one and a half years in prison. Finally, twelve others were sentenced to one year and three months in prison for participating in the "Herriko tabernas". Nobody had to go to jail.

In July 2015 we published in ARGIA a comprehensive report on the subject: Disobedience people to people

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