But, as could not be otherwise, we have heard in the media the words of those who support this macro project. The citizens say that they need work there and we answer them: in the people we want work, yes, but without relying on a project that destroys natural resources. It can and will be done. There are ways of working, and we want to work for the people and for those who respect our people.
But it's easy to fill your mouth with things like work. Do you want to talk about Baztan's shortcomings? OK, so listen to what we, the citizens, say. To live in Baztan, the first thing we need is the homes that are within our reach. 36% of the houses we have in Baztan are empty houses or second homes. So no, we don't need more houses. We need dignified rentals and financial aid to renovate homes. Where are they?
22% of the houses in Baztan are empty, as those who have been there would have seen, the houses are large and the process of rehabilitation of the elderly is economically unbearable without the subsidy of the Government of Navarra. The amount of the second homes is 14% and the paradigm is that the baztans do not have where to rent or where to live.
Baztan is a valley built with mime and sweat, built from the village and for the village. That is why our corners are beautiful, special in our villages. But we do not want to be complicit in the tourism model that is taking place in Europe. A model in which urban centers become museums and homes become cement cages. Our valley is to live. If we do not take care of nature, if we let our ecosystem do this kind of attack and transform our people violently, we will be nothing more than the portrait of a people that has left mute.
The Baztans are not going to resign. Like everyone who brings you daily, because we know that the word has to be of the citizens, rather than of capital. As long as you don't understand it, we'll keep fighting. You are the protectors of the police, of some of the rich too, but the reason and solidarity of the people is ours! So stay tuned until the project stops, because nobody will stop us.
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.