Case, marilutxi!
Who is that phrase from Joxe Mari Agirretxe or Porrotx? Today, in Hizpideak, we had both with us and asked them questions related to the less common Basque country.
What is the linguistic management of Porrotx when it shares kissing vitamins with its parents? And Joxe Mari?
Both Porrotx and Joxe Mari have told us that they are Basque and live in Basque. For this, Porrotx uses short expressions, gestures and laughter as a resource.
In addition, Joxe Mari has underlined the need to act from our people and language, and explained that in the cultural industry we Basques have achieved this, by setting bertsolaris, writers, musicians and playwrights as an example.
He also called for the Basque colours to be respected.
Finally, asking about the usefulness of the cultural productions of clowns in schools, Porrotx brings us a concrete example: it tells us about the possibilities that the song offers as a resource.
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