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The ‘Herrigaia’ conference received the most support in the Sortu Congress process

  • The official report has been adopted by 71% of the voters, while the amendment to Lotuz as a whole has been adopted by 22%. Participation has been 52 per cent.

22 November 2021 - 14:43
Last updated: 15:46

The political line for the next five years has been decided in the voting process that began on Friday and ended on Sunday. According to the data provided by Sortu on Monday, the official Herrigaia report, which proposes to go further in the path begun in recent years, has been the one that has received the most support. Of the 7,936 people entitled to vote, 4,164 voted, representing 52.4% of the total. Herriagaia obtained 2,948 votes, 71%; Lurrari Lotuz, 22%; and 297 blank votes, 7%.

Partial amendments

On behalf of Sortu, Urtza Alkorta has reported the results in a video broadcast on social media. Alkorta highlighted “the great participation” and “the great support” received by the Herrigaia paper. It would point out that a new deadline is now being opened until 5 December for the vote on the partial amendments.

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