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Dozens of signs delete village names in French

  • A minimum of 25 French designation panels have been sprayed in the Northern Basque Country. The action began on July 10 and the collective U14 has claimed its authorship. A demonstration was called tomorrow in San Juan de Luz.

13 July 2023 - 11:20
Last updated: 15:39

Last year the panels were placed in Euskera above those in French, as a symbolic action to prioritize Euskera. This year, several peoples of the continental Basque Country have deleted their names in French by spray. The collective U14 has communicated its authorship through a video broadcast on July 11 on social networks.

The action took place during the week of the French State national holiday to “organize it before assimilation”. In addition to deleting the names in French, they have created a mural claiming “independence and socialism”.

Call for demonstration on Friday

On July 14, “Day of the Struggle in Euskal Herria” has been declared and they have called the citizens to mobilize. On Friday at 18:00 they will leave Didier Lafitte Square in San Juan de Luz (officially Louis XIV Square) Let's fight it! under the slogan.

The Herribiltza group has sent a note to the media saying that it joins the action of the U14 group in favor of the Basque Country and calls to participate in the demonstration to be held tomorrow in San Juan de Luz to denounce that the French and Spanish states are oppressors of the Basque Country.

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