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Independence Left and CDRs are massively monitored by the Ministry of the Interior

  • Direct has published mass espionage: The Civil Guard and the Spanish Police, invoking the "fight against terrorism", have controlled 50 mobile phones and have carried out street tracking to militants, among others. The sabotages of the general strike of November 8, 2017 are the source of mass spy that worked at least until the first quarter of 2019.

10 October 2022 - 10:41
Last updated: 12:39

Direct reports that on Monday 10 October the CoR and the Independence Left have been massively monitored by the Spanish Ministry of the Interior. The media has had access to documents that have recently been considered secret: More than 2,000 pages, consisting of documents of "police interest", specifications of police action and transcripts of interviews held by militants.

According to the study carried out by journalists Gemma García and Jesús Rodríguez, espionage would start from the sabotages carried out on 8 November 2017, the day of the general strike called in the context of the Procés, against the facilities of Adif, a company in charge of railway management in Spain. In fact, espionage was reasoned through the research that began with these actions. With the complaint of an Adif representative at the Civil Guard headquarters, it was ordered to collect data from mobile telephone antennas BTS close to the location of the sabotages, while several agents infiltrated the Telegram channels of many CoR’s. On the basis of talks by Telegram channels, the Civil Guard informed the National Court of Spain of the existence of indications to link two militants with acts of sabotage. "The interception of the telephone communications of these two militants would be the beginning of a long chain of interception that would affect dozens of CDRs activists from the regions of Cardedeu, Lleida, Tarragona, Granollers, Santa Coloma de Farners, Girona, Salt and Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, as well as the international teams of the Storia.

In parallel, the BIS of the Spanish Police, the Barcelona Regional Information Brigade, also started a study on the activity of the CDRs. This investigation and the implementation by the Guardia Civil coincided at the National Audience of Spain on March 21, 2018. The BIS incorporated documents on the Endavant and Poble Lliure organizations into the investigation that day, as well as reports on monitoring the activity of militants from the Independence Left. From the intersection of both investigations, they will conclude that the core of CoR's leadership is capitalized by the Independentist Left and that "the Independentist Left presents itself as a real threat to stability and social peace, as it has demonstrated as a smuggling movement the ability to activate a response with a certain degree of violence". With this argument he justified the BPI assuming control of the phones of Xavier Pellicer, Joan Teran and a militant of Arrane (then spokesman for Alert Solidària Pellicer, today a member of the CUP, Teran occupies a significant position in the structure of Endavant-Osan for the police).

In total, 50 telephones belonging to 38 militants have been controlled by the Ministry of the Interior, under the argument of the fight against terrorism and under the direction of the Judicial Police Unit for Terrorist Offences, Tepol. Among those affected are the militants of the Solidarity Alert Organization against Repression, CUP, Endavant, CDRs and SEPC Herrrialde, Catalan Students Union. In the wake of espionage, the Police has had access to the accounts of militants Gmail, Twitter and Facebook, has known the geolocations of mobile phones, intercepted calls and SMS messages and contaminated phones with spy software. In addition, the militants have persecuted the police in street clothes and given them beacons for geolocation in the cars. From the point of view of "police interest", the conversations held with 150 interlocutors by spied persons, including lawyers, members, councillors and members of different organizations, have been transcribed.

The espionage recently published was authorized by the judge of the National Court of Spain, Diego de Egea, Carmen Lamela and Manuel García Castellón, and by prosecutors Miguel Ángel Carballo and Teresa Sandoón. Mariano Rajoy left as President of Spain, but did not stop by passing through Pedro Sánchez and appointing Fernando Grande-Marlaska as Minister of Interior. Spying worked at least until the first quarter of 2019, according to Direct.

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