Several agents of the campus have made known the ban suffered by the Public University of Vitoria-Gasteiz on its campus. It has been several years since the first Public University was held at the University of Vitoria-Gasteiz, in order to combine different university expressions and offer debates, reflections and practices in favor of a new educational model.
Since then, there have been advances due to the great development of the project and the creation of critical groups in each of the areas of knowledge.
This year, however, they have denounced that the Public University of Vitoria-Gasteiz has been subjected to machista aggression. “The Vicerrectorado and the Decanato Team of Vitoria-Gasteiz have attacked the Public University of Vitoria-Gasteiz to hinder the will and the word of the students.” In particular, the enclosures intended to be developed throughout the Public University of Navarra are prohibited.
“The enclosures are part of Herri Unia, as they play a fundamental role in this area. We consider it essential to create alliances among students and to deepen our relationships and collaboration. In this way, in view of the relationship model that the Public University rejects, the confinement helps us to fix the stones in favor of a model of relationship that we believe is that of solidarity. Through the lockdown, we have drawn up a three-day plan and it is a space that we need at night,” they explained.
Given this ban, firms were collected last week on the campus of Vitoria-Gasteiz, which was supported by 1,700 students and teachers. “In this process it became clear that in view of the prohibitions and obstacles imposed by the Vicerrectorado and the Decanal Team, the students have actually opted for Herri Unia. Thus, we must emphasize that the task of making decisions about what the students have developed or defended is that of the students themselves”.
The Vice-President, for his part, has decided to maintain the ban “regardless of the words of the students and the strength of Herri Unia”. Given this situation, they have called on the entire university community to participate in the mobilization called for next Monday in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The demonstration will be on Monday, at 12:45 a.m., to claim that they will not tolerate any attack on the Public University and that they will continue to work for a new university model despite all the obstacles.
This news was posted by Hala Bedi and we brought it with the Creative Commons license.
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