In how many excursions, outings or friendly walks have we heard that all the roads lead to Rome? Many times, and sometimes, I have felt the duty to tell you. The truth is that I think I have always misunderstood this expression. I have always imagined a straight road, in which an increasingly beautiful road to Rome opened. Then, over the years and knowing the roads, I realized that the roads are united and intertwined, so that, after all, the chances of reaching Rome are greater.
As I have noticed, I have reflected a lot about beauty, “an ever more beautiful road from Rome.” Beautiful not only in terms of comfort, safe and useful in all possible transports.
Without going further, I think the same thing is happening here. The Bilbao environment, compared to other places, is of great beauty. I do not deny that this has to be the case, but we must not forget that, in addition to Bilbao, there are more wonderful sites that need beautiful roads.
In this case, I come to raise awareness of the problem of a small individual people. Debates and demonstrations on a road have taken place in the small and wonderful town of Aulesti in recent weeks. In particular, in the vicinity of BI-3448, which links the people of Aulesti with Markina-Xemein. It must be said that it is not only the road that unites with another people, without which it is disconnected from the region of Lea-Artibai. There will be someone who says that is a lie. Of course. The other option is to reach Markina when going to Gizaburu, then pass through the town of Amoroto and reach Lekeitio. Small. In any case, in addition, this route connects with the Duranguesado.
Therefore, for the Aulesti it is a vital necessity that this road be in good condition, both to go to work and to carry out socio-economic activities. There are many who have an obligation to go to the neighbouring town. For all this, of course, personal cars must be used because there is no public transport and, for example, in the case of many students, they must be adapted in any way to do what they are required to do: go to school.
The Bilbao environment, compared to other places, is of great beauty. I do not deny that this has to be the case, but we must not forget that, in addition to Bilbao, there are more wonderful sites that need beautiful roads.
I'm often very happy to think about how this society has been built. We have to do more for ourselves to do or achieve the things that are needed rather than by the political class. I do not think it is the case of the City of Aulesti, but that of the people brought who are still in higher extracts. However, I understand that. I would also be afraid to meet my dirty conscience. Suppose. Just imagine that on that road they put public transport, without changing anything. It would be a step forward, not a small one, but that road needs more, which I have not yet become aware of repairs, cleanings and many other transformations. If you put the transport without changing anything and nothing happened, who would be the culprit? Bad publicity, they don't need it. That's why I understand your fears. They're excuses. On the way to their excuses, many times the fate is the same, the money. There's no money. Any problem always gives the impression that it is condemned to the same end, to the path of ignorance.
This fact and problem has given me cause for reflection and I have been thinking about the future of small peoples. What will the Aulesti live for in their village? If you have to go to work because, in addition, you override road safety on a bad road and, in addition, you leave a lot of money to go to work alone and lose that money you earn on the road. Will it not be better to live in Bilbao? At least they will have public transport from Bilbao on the route with the most security and I do not know how long the return trip would be.
I understand that Bilbao is a unique showcase for the world. But then, we want the Basque culture, the traditions and the wonderful fields. Unfortunately, it seems that not everything can be managed and most of the time the focus is on the big peoples. These friends of the small peoples are few, so their complaints do not shout much. We will be frightened by the silence of a cry that you unfortunately do not realize. When small peoples die, then, I would like to know in what language the people of Euskal Herria will speak.
The hearts of Euskal Herria are in the small towns, let's hear the heartbeats. Small peoples with life!
Iñaki Moriones Madariaga
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora
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