The buyer will not finally buy the estate and the house of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and to the people together. The occupation continues, as the seller is still hungry for EUR 3 million and at the negotiating stage the pressure, strength, solidarity and collectivity that derives from the occupation influences. Irrespective of whether they reach an agreement, the occupation will be closed on 24 October, with the celebration of victory – and making it clear that they will continue to look ahead to agriculture. In total 124 days of occupation in Ipar Euskal Herria, therefore, with very little tradition of occupation and very little respect for property. How many people have gone through the occupation? A lot. Hundreds, maybe thousands. However, less than I imagined. I am, Euskal Herria has not been put on sale that not many of those who have come close to the four winds have come. When the confinement evidenced the housing problem more than ever before, posters flourished, painted posters and symbolic actions. Proportionally, I was more rabid and motivated. From Hego Euskal Herria, more solidarity was also expected, since Arbona’s solidarity could be a good opportunity to respond as a people to the widespread problems of the disappearance of land and speculation. I am convinced that the movement against the Carpentry of Lekaroz has not achieved popular solidarity. As a people, we have a problem there. Let us start without limits! shouting the slogan to our depths... because it is time and haste to respond as a people to those who are destroying the land – and hence the people – in the name of money.
With that of Arbona, ELB and Lurzaindia they manage to convince themselves that the problem of land is not just the problem of farmers. The test is plurality. The Lurrama is going to be held this year showing more than ever its political character and its essence. Lurrama wants to be a meeting point between farmers and non-farmers; he wants to be a space to raise awareness that cultivation and food are absolutely political; and he is demonstrating that we have the power to opt for a fairer society. Basically, these objectives have been met by the occupation. On 24 October Lurrama will end this occupation. Fifteen hectares of land, a whole village can fit into it!
203 diputatu alde eta hiru aurka agertu dira martxoaren 11 gauean egin bozketan. Higiezinen agentziak haserre agertu dira, eta bi salaketa aurkeztu ditu FAIN Frantziako Higiezinen Federazio Nazionalak Europako Batzordean. Bata, lege-proposamenari esker botere gehiago jasoko... [+]
The two main voters in Kanbo (the mayor and the prime minister) are the rabid ones. Three citizens have been beaten with a plainta, for protesting in favour of the eviction of the neighbor Marienea.Es the second time that, at 06:00 in the morning, they take us out of bed (with... [+]
Kanboko Marieniako higiezin proiektuaren kontra bildu dira elkarte eta herritarrak larunbat honetan. Larunbatean, mahai inguru eta tailerren bidez herritarrak sentsibilizatu nahi izan dituzte Bouygues Immobilier agentziaren proiektuaren desmasiez.
The devastating trend to the cement business does not cease in Berango, and we are currently experiencing two important moments. On the one hand, the date for the forced emptying of Otxantegi is set: 23 November. On the other hand, the procedure for starting works on the... [+]
The French State Council has decided that the Earth Survey should eliminate the destruction of the network. Although it is confirmed that this movement causes "violence against goods", the legalization would not be "an appropriate, necessary and adapted measure". It is good news for... [+]