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"Turkey has used Swedish and Finnish petitions against the Kurdish people to join NATO"

  • Kurdish Abdulkarim Omar had a pharmacy in Qamishlo, when his country’s revolution began in Syria in 2012. Then he left the business and got full into political work. In late October he visited Euskal Herria as the diplomatic representative of the Northern and Eastern Self-administration of Syria.
Argazkia: Aitor Aspuru

08 November 2022 - 08:45
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What were the objectives of this diplomatic visit to the Basque Parliament, the Parliament of Navarre and the City of Durango?

Our objective is to report on our situation in Basque Country: The war in Syria, the Turkish threats against our area, the political situation ... For example, we have explained that Kurdish, Arab and Assyrian peoples participate in our self-administration... Our system of governance consists of peoples of different religions. We have also stressed the importance of Kurdish women in the revolution of our territory. And, of course, we have called for political and humanitarian support.

What has been the institutional response?

Most political groups have told us that they are grateful and value the fight against the Islamic State, which has benefited everyone. Most of them have also defended our political model and considered it a reference point for resolving the Syrian conflict. In this respect, we have been told that they will discuss in parliaments how to direct economic and humanitarian protection to our area.

Abdulkarim Omar in the Basque Government. Photo: Basque Government

It is difficult to talk about the war in Syria without looking at the war in Ukraine. The media are monitoring the Russian aggression tremendously, but they do not mention anything about the bombings that the Turks are doing against you, how do they live?

It is true, but it is regrettable that there is war between Russia and Ukraine, it affects Europe and it is not good for us either. War has negative consequences around the world. In Europe energy and gas are the key and the world is looking at this crisis. That is why people have forgotten what is happening in our country.

However, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia will suffer further damage, the solution of the Syrian war will be delayed a few more years.

However, in Catalonia, Madrid and Euskal Herria we have explained that the European conflict must not make us forget what is happening in our country. As a result of this war, the cells of the Islamic State are recovering, the situation is favourable and is trying to reorganize. I have spent three months working on diplomatura in Europe and when I met with other countries of the European Union, I stressed to them that the crisis in Ukraine can lead to the reorganisation of Daex.

Turkey also takes advantage of the conflict and attention between Russia and Ukraine elsewhere in the world to invade our territory. It also seeks to transfer one and a half million Arab Syrian refugees living in Turkey to Kurdish majority areas to carry out the demographic change.

But that's not all. Turkey has used Sweden and Finland’s requests for entry into NATO against the Kurdish people and the Northern and Eastern Self-administration of Syria by signing agreements with these countries to the detriment of us.

Abdulkarim Omar with members of the City Hall of Durango, including Mayor Ima Garrastatxu. Photo: City Hall of Durango

How will these agreements affect?

It is not nice to see the supposedly democratic countries reach agreements against us. For example, Sweden banned the sale of arms when Turkey invaded Sereciye, a city that depended on us. This measure has recently been left with nothing and arms sales have been relaunched. At another point in the agreement, Finland and Sweden agree not to provide any military support to YPJ and YPG. Finally, at another point in the document, both countries have agreed to delegate to Turkey the individuals that their government considers to be terrorists. We hope that they will not come into force.

He's been in Madrid, but what was the relationship that sponsored the Turkish invasion of Pedro Sánchez's government in Serecnios and Tell Abyad?

We have not met with the Government of Spain, but with the Foreign Committee of Congress and several senators. In any case, the work of diplomacy is neither easy nor offers immediate results. This is the first time we have such a long meeting in Congress and in the Senate.

We are working on the same issues as in Catalonia and the Basque Parliament, for example our political and humanitarian difficulties. Other topics have also been discussed, such as the Al Hol camp. There are thousands of members of the Islamic State and many are foreigners. It is therefore not just our problem, it is international.

The other point we mentioned was Turkey’s continued attacks and threats and its direct aid to Daexi. We have asked all political groups and governments to take a strong stand against them.

Abdulkarim Omar in the Parliament of Navarra

On the occasion of the war in Ukraine, the issue of dirty weapons has emerged, but you have suffered it long ago from Turkey, is it not?

Turkey is using its best efforts against the Kurdish people and the Northern and Eastern Self-administration of Syria. Since we created self-government, Turkey has used many organisations to attack. At first it was Jabbath Al Nusra – Al Qaeda of Syria – then it was the Islamic State in Koban.

When he saw that he would not succeed with these terrorist organisations, Turkey itself invaded Afri in cooperation with Russia. Later, with the approval of Donald Trump, he takes Serecaniye and Girespi. Now the Ezidias, the Assyrians, the Arabs ... Thousands of people have had to flee these places and are in refugee camps. As there are many people, in many cases we ran out of room and had to take in the schools.

Furthermore, human rights violations, killings and kidnappings occur daily in the territories occupied by Turkey. To this must be added the existence of a systematic policy to generate population change. In particular, Erdogan has a project for the deployment of 1.5 million Syrian refugees in Kurdish cities and municipalities. In other words, it has asked the United Nations and the international community to help implement the project.

On the other hand, the North and East of Syria are bombarded daily with their weapons and through jihadist groups. For example, Turkish drones fly 24 hours in the North and East of Syria and kill civilians and members of the Self-Administration and Self-Defense teams. Turkey also uses water as a weapon, has cut the flow of water from the Euphrates River and, therefore, there are thousands of people without drinking water.

However, Erdogan is not limited to Rojava and attacks other areas of Kurdistan such as Basur (Iraqi Kurdistan) or Sinjar (where the Islamic State carried out genocide against the Ezidias). Since it could not be otherwise, I have to say that in the Turkish sphere Kurdish political representatives are imprisoned – mayors, parliamentarians… – and it does so without problems before the world.

Erdogan’s speech has changed in Syria and has indicated that the relationship with Baxar Al Assad needs to be restored. At the same time, the former Al Qaeda organisation, Hayat Tayir Al Sam, has assumed control in Afrin, overcoming those supposedly sponsored by Turkey, what do you read about it?

Turkey wanted to take advantage of the crisis in Ukraine to occupy two cities controlled by Tal Rifaat and Mambij, SDF. Yet neither Russia, nor Iran nor the United States joined the project.

Iran, Turkey and Russia stated at the meeting in Sochi that another attack was not acceptable in this area, but they proposed to Turkey an agreement with Baxar Al Assad to find another solution.

Since then, the secret services of Turkey and Syria have held meetings in Damascus, Moscow and Tehran. Finally, if Turkey reaches an agreement, it will be to the detriment of the Kurdish people and the democratic forces in Syria.

For us, the entry of Hayat Tayir Al Sam is the result of that Afrin agreement.

Finally, in Iran and in Rojelat, Kurdish territory dominated by Iran, the uprising has been lifted and the main motto is “Jin, Yian, Azadi” Kurdish, that is, “Woman, life, freedom”. Do you think it's Rojava influence?

This slogan is from Rojava and has become international. What happens in one region of Kurdistan affects others. Until the Kurdish people are a democratic solution, there will be no stability in the Middle East. We claim that democratic confederalism can be a solution to coexistence in Iran and in the Middle East in general.

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