The pre-enrolment period for children in children's schools will be announced soon, with pre-enrolment correctly starting at the end of May. The platform wants to coordinate a common pre-enrollment strategy and for this purpose, it has called on parents who want to start their children in the Basque children's school to analyze the quantitative and geographic words egitera.Behar with the members of the platform. It is also intended to share with the families concerned the ideas and proposals that have been developed so far. Parents are in contact with educators affected by the change driven by the City Hall of Pamplona. Through real estate agencies, the offices that comply with the municipal ordinances are being sought.
The mayor doesn't go back.
The plan of the City of Pamplona assumes that in the next three years the Basque places in children's schools will be reduced to 14%, according to the platform. The mayor, Enrique Maya, has announced that the City Council will begin to reduce the Basque offer for the next year. As he pointed out, Joseba Asiron’s team has increased seats in Basque for political reasons to 40% in the last legislature and he will now take them to 22% to adapt them to the demands of the courts and to the offer.
The platform has called for the sentence to be delayed and for the reduction of places in Basque this autumn not to begin. The City Hall that governs Navarra Suma has rejected the petition. Thus, the number of places in Basque will be reduced from 136 to 61. In recent days they have met with the political groups in the City Hall and the Basque Parliament and have failed to find a solution. As the pre-enrolment period will soon be opened, the platform has decided to start its journey to certify the children’s school in Euskera.
Iruñeko Euskalgintzak azaldu duenez, hirian dauden 12 udal haur-eskoletatik bakarra dago euskaraz murgiltze ereduan: "Horrek esan nahi du eskola horietan eskainiko diren 1.069 plazetatik 130 bakarrik izango direla euskaraz (%12'16a)". Eskaintza murritz hori... [+]
Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak deituta, herritar talde batek protesta egin zuen otsailaren 2an Nafarroako Legebiltzarraren aurrean, Iruñeko Udalak hiriaren haur eskoletan euskararekin duen jarrera baztertzailea salatzeko.
2022-2023 ikasturterako eskaini dituzten 1.069 plazetatik soilik 130 dira murgiltze eredukoak. Beste 129 plazek euskaraz gain ingelesezko jarduerak ere izango dituzte. Haur Eskolak Euskaraz plataformak eta EH Bilduk salatu dute Navarra Sumak euskarari egindako beste eraso bat... [+]