The schools are concerned that in their schools the use of Euskera and the transmission of Basque culture are slowing down. They've done a year-long reflection process and they've presented the Gu geok platform. They've presented a decalogue to make a leap in these centers.
The decalogue has been approved in the cloisters of the following schools in Hernani: Aratz Ikastola, Hernani BHI Institutua, Haurreskola de Hernani, Langile Ikastola, Txirrita Ikastetxea and Urumea Ikastola.
Throughout a year, teachers, schools and different local agents have participated. The educators of all the centers have filled out a questionnaire with the objective of carrying out a photograph of the locality, and although there are differences between the center and the center, they have identified some general trends: They have noticed that the use of the Basque language has slowed down, and they have tarnished the awareness of the language. It is also concluded that the transmission of Basque culture has decreased in recent years. There is a tendency to treat all languages in the same way, that is, a trend is being reinforced that does not show that the Basque country is in a diglosic situation. The lack of sufficient resources for the students to appropriate the Euskera domain makes it increasingly difficult to take steps in the process of Euskaldunization. Another conclusion is that there is a trend towards differentiated transmission of language, culture and territory. In this sense, they have observed that textbooks and materials that disdain the territory of the Basque Country and the reality of the Basque Country predominate in schools.
The participants of the platform have gathered in a decalogue the keys to the leaps to be given by the people and their schools. The main objective is to influence the use of Euskera.
1- To work the linguistic competencies and tendencies will take into account all the subjects and situations of the center.
2- They want to create active speakers in Basque, they will not have enough consideration of teaching Basque.
3- They will teach sociolinguistics to students.
4- Interculturality will work from the axis of minority languages and cultures.
5- Create spaces that promote and protect the use of Euskera.
6- They will work the pride of being Basque.
7- The Basque dimension will be addressed in the curriculum.
8- Textbooks will be used that take into account the Basque Country, Euskal Herria.
9- They will work on the creation of culture buffs in Basque.
10- The Basque country will work with co-education.
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