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Hernani launches "It's Not Cider, It's You" campaign against Macho and Racist Attacks

  • The Hernani City Hall presented the campaign on Tuesday under the motto "It is not cider, it is you", along with agents from the municipality.

07 February 2023 - 13:06
Last updated: 2023-02-08 12:10:55

In the face of a series of "unacceptable" attitudes that occurred during the time of the txotx, the City of Hernani has collaborated with different agents of the municipality in the elaboration of the campaign. On Tuesday’s presentation, representatives of the City Hall, the Equality Council, the hospitality and intercultural associations were present.

The mayor of Hernani, Xabier Lertxundi, has pointed out that in the txotx season that is already underway, there are many visitors in the municipality, and many times there are "inappropriate behaviors that have nothing to do with the culture of cider and txotx". For example, he adds that there are frequent chauvinist, racist attitudes and behaviors contrary to the coexistence of the people's neighbors.

The main message of the campaign is this: txotx yes, the cider culture, but with the excuse that coexistence in Hernani and attitudes that affect the people themselves do not. Lertxundi has made it clear that hernaniarras defend cider culture but reject these attitudes. In addition, he insists that measures will be taken and a space free of sexist violence will be installed in Navarra Street.

Within the campaign a video has been shown on social networks and posters will be placed on the bus canopies. Below you can see the video.

Video: It's not cider. You are. Take responsibility. Hernani City Hall.



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