A Tehran court sentenced four Kurdish political prisoners, allegedly linked to Israel, to death, according to the human rights organisation Hengaw. The defendants are Mohsen Mazloum, Mohammad Faramarzi, Wafa Azarbar and Pejman Fatehi, members of the Kurdistan Comala of Iran.
The Iranian Government accuses the four prisoners of attempting to spark an explosion in the industrial estate of Isfahan in July 2022, Medyanews said. However, the Komala party has annulled the indictment and stated that it is a government attempt to “suppress and silence” protesters.
The families of detainees have not been informed of the location and situation of prisoners. Hengaw has highlighted the “serious risk” of killing the four prisoners and who have suffered “physical and psychological abuse”, regardless of “their rights as political defendants”. The organization has also announced that the institutions of the Iranian government have pressured the families of the detainees and have come to torture the mother of the prisoner Pejman Fatehi.
Oinarrizko maia komunitateko U Yich Lu’um [Lurraren fruitu] organizazioko kide da, eta hizkuntza biziberritzea helburu duen Yúnyum erakundekoa. Bestalde, antropologoa da, hezkuntza prozesuen bideratzaile, eta emakumearen eskubideen aldeko aktibista eta militante... [+]
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