Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

A hendaye is arrested by the Uplifting of the Earth in the raid against the collective

  • The arrests are linked to the environmental action carried out last December in a Lafarge concrete production plant. At least 15 people have been arrested by police on Monday, including a hendaye and a bayonne. On Wednesday afternoon at 18:30 a rally will be held to denounce the raid before the Prefect of Baiona.
Hormigoi ekoizle den Lafarge enpresa handiaren kontrako ekintza burutu zuten iazko abenduan. Ekimen horri lotuak dira atxiloketak. Argazkia: Lundimatin

07 June 2023 - 10:45
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In addition to Bayonese, he is also a hendaye on 5 June in the morning among those arrested by the French police. He lives in the city of Toulouse (Occitania) and his relatives have determined ARGIA that he is also a young man detained by the police. The Alzados de la Tierra are framed within the raid against the movement and have arrested nearly fifteen people in eight localities, in addition to Baiona, in the cities of Marseille, Montreuil, Dijon, Lyon, Tolosa and in the typical towns of Caylus and Verfeil-sur-Seye, in the region of Tarn-eta-Garona. He is accused of "destroying organized equipment" and of "belonging to the group of criminals". The police operation is linked to the action of disobedience and sabotage carried out on 10 December 2022 at the French Lafarge plant in Bouc-Bel-Air.

This Tuesday, the young people of Bayona and Hendaia are still detained in Tolosa (Occitania) and the detention can last until Thursday. Convened by the Ostia collective, a rally has been held to denounce this raid on Monday afternoon in front of the village house of Baiona. Today it will also concentrate at 18:30 before the Baiona Suprefect.

Solidarity with the young Baiona to denounce the arrests on 5 June in Baiona. Photo: Basque Radio

In fact, the Earth Uprising has also opened a call to denounce the situation through actions: Lafargen and prefectural companies are listed for Wednesday night.

Repoterre, an independent media, warns that the police and the French Government have disseminated the information about the raid: although he stopped at 06:00 on Monday, at 21:00 hours the Government had not yet communicated anything. Those closest to the detainees have learned that interrogations go beyond action in the Lafarga company: From the demonstration against the gigantic abrevadero to be built in the town of Sainte Soline for the benefit of industrial cultivation, from its readings – from Andreas Malmen’s interest in Comment saboter a pipeline (La Fabrique, 2020) or from his political reflections.

On December 10, about 200 entrepreneurs joined a Lafarga plant to report, through direct action, the ecological damage of the company

On December 10, nearly 200 entrepreneurs joined the Lafargen Bouc-Bel-Air plant, using direct action as a weapon. Emptying the concrete sacks, covering the walls with graffiti, destroying machines and founding offices, the companies wanted to denounce the ecological damage, directly affecting the same company. According to Lafarga’s leadership, the cost of the action was EUR 4 million. The Earth Treasury disseminated the following reading: "Lafarga and his accomplices hear nothing of the wrath of generations that leave them without a future in a world damaged by their damage. Their machines, silos and mixers are the weapons that kill us. They will not be incurable if they are forced to do so. We will therefore continue to dismantle these disaster infrastructures. We appeal to all those who stand up for the Earth to occupy, block and disarm concrete."

Lafarge damaged the same company to respond to ecological effects by destroying machinery. Photo: Lundimatin
Movement that the French Government wants to dismantle

The "raising of the land", which is inventing effective ways of fighting, would like to leave the French State breathless in the report that analyzes the position of the French State in the face of this movement in which we gave it headline. In fact, whether it is the savage repression of Sainte-Solin – 200 people beaten, 40 grave and two of them in a coma for many weeks – or the desire to outlaw the network of Earth Uprisings, announced on 28 March by Interior Minister Gerard Darmanin, to undo the group, the government intends to cut the way to this innovative environmental movement. Basically, the arrests of 5 June must be part of that objective.


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