“Bolek’s requests were not so difficult to fulfill. His death has been caused by the fascism of the party of Recep Tayyip Erdogan”, reported the singer’s colleagues. The group is called Grup Yorum and another of its members is also on hunger strike: Ibrahim Gorce.
Revolutionary songs
The group was founded in 1985 and achieved great success in Turkey in the 1990s. Combining Kurdish and Turkish folklore, his songs have vindictive messages, criticizing Ankara’s policies or gentrification.
According to the Turkish Government, this is a musical training linked to the DHKP-C, which has been designated by the Government as a terrorist group. For this reason, Grup Yorum is prohibited from performing concerts.
Urteak iragan dira bere azken argazkia ikusi zenetik. 26 urte daramatza preso Abdullah Öçalanek Turkiako Imrali uhartean, "erakunde terroristako" buruzagitza egotzita. Ostegun eguerdian bere bideo bat ez, baina argazki berri bat zabaltzeko baimena eman du... [+]
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