Despite continuing violations of civil and political rights, suspicions that the Kurdistan police, dependent on Turkey, would have thrown two people out of a military helicopter. These two people were arrested on 11 September last, they remained for two days and were found to be in very serious hospital condition.
Four journalists reporting this news were arrested last week in Bianet: Adnan Bilen and Cemil Udulur of the Mesopotamia Agency, Şehriban Abi of Jinnews and Nazan Sala.
It was the journalist Cemil Ucarriles of the MA who obtained the hospital report and reported that the doctors considered that these two people were injured after falling high. One of these two people died on September 30, as we reported in ARGIA, and the other has memory losses, although "we were kicked out, we were kicked out", he repeated himself to his relatives repeatedly, as can be read in the ANF.
The governor of Van, in an attempt to cut the discussion, stated on 21 September that these two people had fallen from a rocky place, trying to escape the police operation and belonged to the PKK.
The Turkish police have registered the headquarters of the MA and Jinnews agency in the city of Van, as well as the houses of four journalists. Journalists' associations have reported that they have been arrested for dealing with the news of the helicopter's death. During the records, the police seized all the material of the journalists.
"We will support the honor of our trade"
Adnan Bilen, journalist of the Mesopotamia Agency, published a message on 15 October at the ANF agency. Van is incarcerated in the city's high-security prison. "Through a newspaper that came into my hands in jail, I've learned that I'm not a journalist, after 20 years working on it. He cannot be a journalist if he has the press card provided by the ruler, the prosecutor or the judge. The journalism of a journalist cannot be within the intentions of a government. We will continue to defend the honor of journalism, which today is ruined and illegalized."
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