Hekimen has taken advantage of the annual meeting held on 1 March to reflect on the situation of the media in Basque of the popular initiative and shared the reflection in a press release.
It has contextualized the Basque media in technological, social and generational changes and has highlighted the need to “adapt to new times”. The note explains how the media should be to survive: “Effective, quality, varied, modern, with a close relationship with the citizenry, well-rooted in our culture, with the Basque language as the axis, technologically well developed, innovative”.
It indicates that the processes of adaptation to profound transformations will have to be accelerated, and in this regard, it lists the commitments made by Hekimen. In addition to the media effort, he stressed that the Administration ' s support would be needed.
It urges public institutions to make commitments because “one of the main tasks of the administrations is to support and contribute to the development of the elements that build the being of the Basque Country. Policies aimed at protecting and directing our culture in its broadest sense, its own language, thought and way of being.”
Hekimen added that for the Administration “ensuring diversity of views and the right to information is a fundamental task”, “not excluding the promotion of free media” and “limiting information monopolies”. Finally, he adds that the role of the Administration is “to promote strong and effective local media projects”.
Hekimen has made six specific requests to public institutions:
1.- Commitment to ensure the necessary stability for the media sector in Basque, so as to maintain the media ecosystem in Basque. To this end, it offers sufficient resources to carry out the adaptation of digitalisation.
2.- Commitment to ensure the work teams and their decent wages that require quality journalism.
3.- Commitment to the flexibility required by adaptation so that no external factor can disturb the transformation process.
4.- Commitment to hold the Basque media sector verbally and actively.
5.- Commitment to facilitate adaptation to technological changes that may be key in the transformation of the media in Basque.
6.- Commitment to promote new projects that could cover the current geographical and thematic deficiencies of the media in Basque.
The process of joint transformation, the media in Basque and the administration, has been considered essential by Hekimen.
The Association of the Media in Euskera will inform the candidates of the Basque election presidents of the reflection and gather their opinions and proposals.
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Here's Hekimen's full review on November 8:
"The Basque media of popular initiative have been contributing for many years to the normalization of the Basque Country, to the Basque communication system and, in general, to the Basque Country. The social function that we have... [+]