Sunday comes into force the directive that will force it, 10/2019 of the Secretary of State for Security.
The document must be prepared by one of the parents or legal guardians at a headquarters of the Ertzaintza, Foral Police, National Police or Civil Guard.
Gizonak ustez Ortuellako Jendea futbol taldean zuen posizioa baliatu zuen umeari argazkiak egiteko. Ertzaintzak ikerketa abiatu du eta aurretik antzerako salaketak zituela jaso dute.
Ten men have been tried at the Provincial Court of Álava from September 26 to October 3 for sexual abuse of minors cared for in the Sansoheta center of the Provincial Council of Álava. Victims have waited six years after the complaint in 2016. According to a study by the... [+]