If the Spanish Government’s plan were to be implemented, from 2024 it would be paid for the use of any motorway and state highway. A process of negotiation with the Autonomous Administrations will be opened for the implementation of the remuneration model on the high-capacity roads under their charge.
The project is part of the investment and reform plan that the Spanish Government has sent to Brussels to support the summit. "The user and the polluter pays" is the ideological base of Sánchez's government.
However, sources from the Ministry of Transport have pointed out that the project is intended only for high-capacity roads and have pointed out that it is part of the plan for harmonisation with the rest of Europe.
The plan provides for the payment of all users: private drivers, carriers and foreigners. But there is a proposal for "reductions and bonuses for disadvantaged or ordinary groups in some sections". In the case of hauliers, the Spanish Government says that it will look for formats to assume this cost by the contractor.
With the expectation that the proposal will lead to a large number of opposing views, the plan will not be implemented in the context of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. They will wait for "economic recovery" to materialise and ensure that a political consensus will be achieved and that it will be held in hand with the transport sector.
First of all, we wish to extend our condolences to the family and friends of the woman killed in early August.
The people of Gaintxurizketa are fed up with the disillusionment of the administration and those responsible.
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