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Sare will mobilize in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria during the month of December

  • The mobilizations will take place from 19 to 26 December in the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria. In addition, marches will also be made to prisons.

10 December 2020 - 09:22
Argazkia: @sareherritarra

The Sare citizen's platform reported a month ago that the demonstration that is usually held in January in Bilbao has been rejected this year because of the health crisis and called to mobilize through the streets of the Vizcaine capital for 9 of enero.Tambialso mobilizations will take place between 19 and 26 December and citizens have been invited to participate in them.

SARE has stated that "there are reasons" for mobilisation. They are concerned about the situation of children with backpacks, the passage of the severely ill prisoner Ibon Iradi by COVID-19, the removal policy and the situation of families due to COVID-19

The first organized mobilizations will be on the 19th diciembre.La march, which will start at 17:30 hours from the Plaza Euskal Herria de Berriozar (Navarra) to the prison of Pamplona, will be carried out under the motto "Iluntasunari etxerako argia". On the same day they will also be mobilized in Bilbao, under the motto "Bidea gara", at 19:00 in the afternoon at the Arriaga. The mobilisation will take place on 24 December in Vitoria-Gasteiz, at 19:00 hours, in the last Fuente de los square Patos.Por, on 26 December they will take a march from the health centre of Basauri (Bizkaia) to jail, and in Donostia-San Sebastián they will start from Martutene prison to Loiola, at 11:00.


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