The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) weekly summarizes the data provided by the spread of coronavirus in Western European countries, illustrating them in clear maps for citizens to better understand. As an entity of the European Union, it summarises the information from the EU countries and the European Environment Agency, including those from the United Kingdom. COVID-19 offers a photograph of speed and situation at all times. Finally, the situation in the regions of Western Europe has been noted in the two weeks before 10 September – 35 and 36.ekoak 2020 –: coronavirus cases (officially guaranteed) per 100,000 inhabitants. The question is whether the colours of this map are the most suitable to show the data of the CAPV, Navarra and Spain in general.
The ECDC letter gives each region one in five shades of color: blue if in the last two weeks it has not had a single case of COVID-19 and one in four shades of yellow to dark brown less than 20 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, between 20 and 59.9, between 60 and 119.9 or more than 120. So the final map looks like this.
But what about Spain that gets worse in the second heat wave of COVID-19, including the South Basques? That dark brown is well above the minimum 120 cases that apply. The Spanish State, as a whole, today, 16 September, accumulated 181 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the previous 14 days. What about us? Regarding the CAV, today's Osakidetza bulletin mentions 156 cumulative cases... but in 7 days. In 14 more days, of course.
On a map broadcast by Federico Castillo Álvarez (@fedefedeson), it offers an improved ECDC map that has caught the blog The Mendigo Look (recognized): limiting the brown color to the counties of between 120 and 200 cases, painting in red those of between 200 and 350, with dark canyons of 250 and 550 cases and with a dark blue of more than 550 cases. Always based on the official data that ECDC offers on its extensive website.
If the map of the ECDC makes clear the poor situation that Spain and Hego Euskal Herria have within Europe, with the improvement of La mirada del mendigo, the grave situation that we live in the CAV and Navarra becomes more evident. What we should be exposing once in all our media, in order to put in place each of the other many debates.