The plan approved by the Government of Spain was launched on 10 August. This measure was published in the Official State Gazette one week in advance, on August 2. Measures include limiting the use of air conditioning and night shutdown of shop windows. The measure was approved on 9 August, but although it did not start until the following day, several buildings decided to turn off the lights the same day.
In Donostia, for example, the lights will go out at night, but Mayor Eneko Goia has assured that during the Big Week they will be back on again to ensure citizen security. He then stresses that he will comply with the energy saving measure, ensuring that they are “obligatory”.
Shop windows and empty public buildings should turn off the light from 22:00. If the activity of the building or premises continues, they may be switched on. In principle, the measure will be in force until 1 November 2023. The news summarizes the measures.
As regards temperature and air conditioning, the installation of air conditioning below 27º hot or the installation of heating above 19º cold shall not be permitted. There are exceptions such as restaurants kitchens, schools and day care centers, health centers, hairdressers, laundries, gyms, pharmacies, museums and hotel rooms. They may also apply for exemption where, because of their special characteristics, they are not able to comply with those rules.
Areas with air conditioning equipment in operation must have an automatic system that keeps doors closed from 30 September.
Comments on energy saving measures and advice should be included. Among the steps are many other measures: Special economic aid will be granted to transport companies to help increase fuel prices; students over 16 years of age who receive the scholarship may apply for an additional subsidy of EUR 100 for four months; changes in consumption and energy facilities will also be processed; buildings which carried out the technical inspection before 1 January 2021 must re-run before the end of the year, etc.
According to the decree, failure to comply with the order can be punished by a fine of up to EUR 60,000, and the Spanish Government may impose fines of up to EUR 100 million for minor and serious infringements.
The Spanish Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, stressed that there will be flexibility in the implementation of the measures and that the aim is not to punish, but to channel.
Some have been turning off the lights for some time.
Last year, a group of French entrepreneurs was made known in different media. In the evening, the equipment shuts down the lights from the shop window, performs the sport called Parkour and jumps with the button to turn off clear jumps, thus reducing the consumption of light: The movement is called Lights Off.
When the nights come and the shops close their doors, the lights of their shop windows are turned on. Several entrepreneurs come together and start shutting down those lights. In addition, they have the law in their favour, because in the French State the window lights must be turned off from 01:00 to 07:00.
The Guardian video with pictures of some in the Lights Off:
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