The trade unions ELB, Modef and Confederation Paysanne, representatives of the Ttipis farms, have called for a "real change in health policies" through action on 8 June. DDPP's departmental services have occupied its offices in Pau, but are soon dismissed by the police.
In response to the trade union call, about 40 farmers have met this Thursday in front of the DDPP headquarters. They do not accept the measures taken by the French Government for the spread of avian influenza which is repeated every year, as they are detrimental to ttipas farms and popular cultivation. In the end, they see in the health policies that have been developed in favor of agro-industry. The unions warn that birds cannot leave their depressed areas, but then there are no measures to stop the spread of the disease: "The administration takes animals from contaminated areas to healthy areas, endangering all farms between the contaminated areas and the slaughterhouse." Trade unions have also denounced the preventive policy of killing millions of healthy birds.
Today, about 80 growths in the Northern Basque Country, Biarno, Landeta and the Gers department are contaminated and the contamination is spreading at a high rate.
ELBk berriz ere bere arrangurak agertarazi ditu hegazti gripeari begira. Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasunak jakitera eman duenez, iragan hiru asteetan 70 kutsadura kasu aitortu dira Aturri arroko etxaldeetan, horietatik 50 Gersen, hemezortzi Landetan eta bi... [+]
Ehundik gora lagun elkartu dira Ilharren (Nafarroa Beherea) Bidarteberria etxaldearen aitzinean, zerbitzu sanitarioko ordezkariei bidea mozteko. Hegazti gripearen testuinguruan, 200 ahateren hiltzea oztopatzea lortu dute.
Kanpoan hazten diren hegaztiak hiltzea da Frantziako Gobernuak darabilen estrategia, hegazti gripeari aurre egiteko. Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasunak (ELB) ohartarazi du estrategia hori antzua dela eta etxalde txikiek ez dituztela kudeaketa txarraren ondorioak pairatu behar... [+]
Nafarroa Beherean, Akamarreko etxalde batean H58N birusa edo hegazti gripea atzeman dute bertako ahateetan. Etxaldeko ahate guztiak hil dituzte eta gripea zabaldu daitekeen beldur, Akamarretik 10 kilometroko eremuan neurriak hartu ditu Pirinio Atlantikoetako Departamenduko... [+]