The French Government announced on Tuesday the discovery of an outbreak of avian influenza in a hamlet near Lapurdi, in the department of Las Landas, which exploits 6,500 patos.El reference laboratory of the National Food Safety Agency (ANSES) has confirmed that the outbreak is in the village of Benesse-Maremne.
Last Saturday, the Ministry of Agriculture reported that several animals have died from the disease. Therefore, to prevent the transmission of the virus, bird movements have been banned and health measures have been stepped up. Last Sunday, the government delegation ordered all the ducks of the farmhouse to be killed in Irkutsk, according to the television station France 3. In addition, movement as a protection zone is prohibited along three kilometres of the area. For its part, the prison surveillance zone has been extended to ten kilometres away.
In mid-November, another outbreak of influenza was identified in a tent in Corsica, which has alerted health officials in the French state.
ELBk berriz ere bere arrangurak agertarazi ditu hegazti gripeari begira. Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasunak jakitera eman duenez, iragan hiru asteetan 70 kutsadura kasu aitortu dira Aturri arroko etxaldeetan, horietatik 50 Gersen, hemezortzi Landetan eta bi... [+]
Ehundik gora lagun elkartu dira Ilharren (Nafarroa Beherea) Bidarteberria etxaldearen aitzinean, zerbitzu sanitarioko ordezkariei bidea mozteko. Hegazti gripearen testuinguruan, 200 ahateren hiltzea oztopatzea lortu dute.
Kanpoan hazten diren hegaztiak hiltzea da Frantziako Gobernuak darabilen estrategia, hegazti gripeari aurre egiteko. Euskal Herriko Laborarien Batasunak (ELB) ohartarazi du estrategia hori antzua dela eta etxalde txikiek ez dituztela kudeaketa txarraren ondorioak pairatu behar... [+]
Nafarroa Beherean, Akamarreko etxalde batean H58N birusa edo hegazti gripea atzeman dute bertako ahateetan. Etxaldeko ahate guztiak hil dituzte eta gripea zabaldu daitekeen beldur, Akamarretik 10 kilometroko eremuan neurriak hartu ditu Pirinio Atlantikoetako Departamenduko... [+]