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The media meet to demand González's freedom

  • Numerous media and journalists from Euskal Herria, including ARGIA, have denounced the situation of Pablo González and called for his freedom.
ARGIAko langileek Pablo Gonzalezen askatasuna eskatu dute Lasarte-Oriako egoitzaren aurrean. (Argazkia: Mikel Olabide Zuza / ARGIA CC BY-SA)

28 February 2024 - 09:35
Last updated: 10:52

Two years after the arrest, on Wednesday several media outlets held meetings on their media portals, including ARGIA, on the Lasarte headquarters portal. The cry of many media, journalists and human rights organizations is one and the other: “Paul release!”

Xabier Letona has published in ARGIA this week a report on the situation of González:Two years in prison in Poland without presenting any evidence.

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Oihana Goiriena
“Haserre gara, Polonia airos atera baita Pabloren kontrako salaketa frogatu gabe”

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Journalist Pablo González is released after two and a half years of unconditional imprisonment in Poland
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