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Media and lies

02 November 2020 - 09:42

Society sees the media in general as a source of communication. A tool for an objective event story that includes news from all over the world and has so much scope. But most current media outlets are far from that imaginary. The media, which are structured according to the interests and financing of the bourgeoisie, make an interested reading of the reality. They cover up events, including the hidden interests of bourgeois killings and imperialist wars, and write them half-heartedly when they are not covered up, without exposing the real causes and the real consequences of radical crimes. In the spotlight, in everyone's mouth, they can put a theme, they can influence the conjuncture and adapt it, they have the ability to change actuality in an interested way. The most obvious example of recent times would be the occupation. They speak with interested data, with fake data and manipulating language. A model of sensationalist journalism is reproduced, promoting hatred towards some layers of the proletariat, criminalizing youth and generating general mistrust.

The media therefore have a great influence on social reasoning, since being the main information emitters supposedly offer a sufficient number of elements to analyze reality. This is the ability of the media to extend a generalized belief in which they give the keys to analyzing reality. That's what they're working on now, too, to curb the radical capitalist crisis.

"That is the ability of the media to extend a generalized belief in which they give the keys to analyzing reality. That's what they're also working on now in theater to cover and distort the radical capitalist crisis."

disfigurement theater. Covid-19 is becoming an excuse not to accept the size of the capitalist crisis that we are suffering. The crisis must be understood as a moment to re-establish the impossibility of the internal dynamics of this capitalist production model and the exploitation of labor to continue in this situation. In this context, an excessive growth of technology is taking place under the model of automation and robotization. But the question is whether continuing with the bourgeois model of social organization makes sense. Because we are at a historical and radical crossroads: continue to organize the whole of society based on the dynamics of accumulating capital (productive capacities, social relations, models of thought, education, health, etc. ), subjecting ourselves to this cutting-edge technology, or giving rise to a revolutionary process by a universal principle of social organization, building a social model that organizes the productive forces according to the needs of humanity.

Within the first option, in a context characterized by the capitalist crisis, a paradigm shift is taking place in the labor sphere. As regards employment, on the one hand, there is an increase in unemployment rates. The youth unemployment rate is terrible; one generation is condemned to poverty. On the other hand, technology has strongly disrupted production in recent years. This entails a radical change in working patterns, as in some areas the need for the workforce will be completely reduced, ways of doing the same work will be changed and a new division of labour between machines and human beings will be established. All this technological development, both artificial intelligence and industry 4.0, is aimed at achieving higher performance. Because the cost of production decreases, because production chains are more productive, but also because control over personnel is more effective. But the problem is not that technological advances are detrimental to the proletariat, but that these technologies are a qualified instrument for trampling the working class into the hands of the bourgeoisie.

All this will also influence the social and cultural paradigm, in the construction of a new socio-political regime. New cultural elements will be introduced, creating isolated beings, without signs of solidarity, competitive and alienated. On the one hand, this expansion of technology will promote the dissemination of cultural elements through their integration into more territories and in a more efficient way. On the other hand, the increase in the unemployment rate that will inevitably arise leads to a proletarianization. Proletarianisation is understood not only as the lack of access to the minimum needs of survival (housing, transport, food or health). On the one hand, quality life forms will be inaccessible to more and more layers of the working class, but on the other hand, freedom will be limited, it will be enhanced and it will produce an alienated model of leisure; in general, moral misery will prevail. Of course, the political freedoms for the organisation of workers will be denied, the minimum necessary for the organisation of workers will be eliminated, denying the results obtained through the struggles of the years.

All this should be explained by the media, to be informed of the real problems, to be able to face what comes with critical elements, to be aware of the challenges we have as a society, to provide us, in general, with instruments of thought. I tried to explain to him that lying has its being. That the interests of the bourgeoisie are built and organized as themes of conversation/debate through different institutions, also through the media. In the face of the media under the control of lies, narrative, manipulation and the bourgeoisie, the media under the control of the working class become vitally important. We should understand the truth in the same way: as something that needs to be organized. We should rationalise and organize the truth through the institutions that will serve the proletariat (through the media) and, within the framework of that truth, communist society.

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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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