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A tour of feminism, ecofeminism and agroecology from seeds

  • On November 16 at the Center for Environmental Resources of Cristina Enea there will be the opportunity to learn about ecofeminism and feminist agroecology. 17:00 h. Anthropologist Marta Barba Gassó "The travels of tomatoes. It will guide citizens throughout the exhibition "Colonialism, Globalization and Naturalness". At 18:30, talk to economist Mirene Begiristain Zubilwaukee: "Desirable experiences also for hybrid tomatoes from ecofeminism? ".

14 November 2022 - 12:18

Taking as a starting point the reproduction of seeds and the cultivated biodiversity, citizenship will approach this Wednesday ecofeminism and feminist agroecology.

First, Marta Barba Gassón, focused on the exhibition "The travels of tomatoes", will explain the main ideas of the thesis he presented in 2021: The Aretxabaleta indigenous tomato variety and the Jack hybrid variety will be discussed. He will explain his stories and how his seeds are reproduced, the conclusions he has drawn from an ecofeminist perspective


After a short break, Mirene Begiristain, a feminist agroecology worker, will chat with Marta Barba: "How do we look at eco-social issues from a feminist perspective? How can we reconcile the ecological and feminist view?" answer the questions. They will analyse ecofeminism (Agro), the desirable options that they identify in this area, marginal debates, ignorances and challenges landed.

According to both experts, "feminism has contributed enormously to agroecology to transform roles and stereotypes, to look at the sexual division of labor or to redirect public policies towards the primary sector or to peasant women, but also agroecology has the capacity to contribute a lot to feminism without falling into essentialism".

The following video shows the two experts, making a preview of what the citizens will enjoy on Wednesday:

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