In the last article, taking into account what the seeds teach us, I questioned the dichotomy "reproduction/production" and I would like to continue pulling it out. When does the reproduction of plants and seeds occur? What about birth? The seeds come from pollinated flowers in the previous season of the orchard. So "fertilization." The hiates, having been locked in them (and in a relatively fresh warehouse created by us), have given way to the new plants. With our help.
I once read to Charis Thompson the concept of "reproductive choreographies," which led me to look at reproduction differently. By then I had learned quite well the main message of ESO biology: reproduction is, in most cases, "sexual", and it is a consequence of the mixing of genetic material from two members of the same species, usually from two of "different sexes". Fast and poorly explained, this was for me the foundation of reproduction. However, Thompson's idea helped me see how reproduction goes beyond biological genetic processes, in which many members of different species often participate. Proof of this are the multiple forms of organization and understanding of human reproduction that have emerged in different cultures. It is also the case in agriculture and seed breeding. In the case of vegetables, where does "reproduction" occur? Can we place reproduction only when a mixture of genetic material is produced from two individuals of the same species? In my opinion, reproduction cannot be understood or explained without the intervention of humans and others. Therefore, the main explanation given by biology lies on us. I would even say that this explanation has had and has, among other things, the function of reinforcing the heteronormatical and anthropocentric discourse. On the one hand, it has placed reproduction in the need of a male and a female mainly; on the other, it has placed it within the species, fixing a classification according to the species made by man, in which man appears at the top of the possible hierarchical classification. But the reality is completely different and more complex.
When the seeds we collect in the garden are born or awakened, many creatures influence. So the reproductive processes that we see, generate and feed in the orchard have more choreographies than the action between two people. But in these choreographies, we don't all have the same ability to influence, we don't all interact in the same way. Therefore, this choreographic idea can not only help us to decentralize the heteronormatical and anthropocentric explanations associated with reproduction, but also to visualize the power relations that structure these plural relationships of reproduction. Because reproduction is not something that actually happens in "nature," but is a consequence of the influence and the will of many beings. I often fight.
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