2025 amaitu baino lehen Gernikako Estatutuan jasotzen diren eskumen guztiak izatea espero du Jaurlaritzak. Oraindik 25 eskumen falta dira. Transferentzia Batzordea aurreko astean biltzekoa zen baina "agenda arazoak" zirela eta atzeratu zuten.
40 years later, Álava was a Spanish feud. What has happened since for a change of this size, the undeniable victory of EH Bidu in the last elections?
This singular fact cannot be understood from an evolutionary process through which Spanish consciousness becomes Basque... [+]
The night of 21 April left quite clear results around the winning and losing election parties. As the Ortuzar have pointed out, voters have given the PNV a new opportunity and it has been the most voted party in the CAV; in Araba and Gipuzkoa the victory has been for EH Bildu,... [+]
As viewers and interested in teaching, as we continue with the election campaign, we are led by the concerts of the Municipal Band of our city, those concerts that we go every year. Musicians would be candidates for the presidency. The same scenario, all ordered, the same... [+]
On 21 April we held the Basque elections. Prior to the arrival of the elections, several media surveys were published, many times EH Bildu was considered winner, sometimes in votes and seats, others only in seats. This was a major change for the Basque Parliament elections,... [+]
“The most Abertzale parliament of all time” vs. “Independence is at the historical lows.” These two statements have been heard in recent times and have increased following the elections held on 21 April in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. These two phrases, considered as... [+]
It is undeniable that election campaigns are channelling everyone, not only the society that is being asked first for the attention and then the vote, but also those who are trying to convince the voters on a daily basis.
On the last day, after knowing the results and... [+]
After the whirlwind of the election campaign, and once we have left the vote in the ballot box, we are in a position to make our reading. After all, it seems that they will govern the same as before, from the head. We therefore do not know whether we should invite this new... [+]
In the Gasteiz Parliament it is said that there is a “sovereign majority”, which is also a “left-wing majority”. On the contrary, as we all know, the government that will leave this assembly of elected officials will not be sovereign or left-wing. EH Bildu has tried to... [+]
27 + 27 = 54
Are we convinced that this is not the way to the Basque people once and for all? What is not the route of Euskaldunization of the Ertzaintza?
Are we convinced that this collaboration will not contribute to putting the whole of Euskal Herria on the path of the... [+]