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Presentation of the book "Rumorea" in Antzuola, Urruña and ten towns

  • Josebe Blanco in La Reflexion. Sheep have made me a herdbook in the Baratze Bizi section of ARGIA. The first conference to present it will be on November 7 in Antzuola, in the municipality where the village Pikunieta is located, where the pastor resides with his flock. Talk to María Eugenia Irazabal. The next conference will take place on November 16 at the Hostal Arotzenea in Urruña and will be interviewed by Tere Irastorza, Tutor of the School of Writers in the writing process of the book. Ten localities offer the possibility of listening directly to the writer.

06 November 2023 - 12:43

Olaran de Antzuola, 18:30 h. That's the quote to introduce the book Rumorea. The compatriots of Josebe Blanco will have the opportunity to discover what he has told in everyday format in this book and ask questions to the author. Blanco will be accompanied by María Eugenia Irazabal, a teacher for many years at the Antzuola school.

On Thursday 16 November, at 18:30 a.m., at the Hostal Arotzenea in Urruña, the second presentation conference will begin, which will also be special, with the intervention of writer Tere Irastorza. Blanco offers Irastorza in her book, on the thanksgiving page: "The only Artizar who could have had this journey, and better, was Tere." After the talk you will be able to taste the result of the work that the pastor mentions in detail in his book.

Ten peoples co-being community

Based on the landscapes and the relationships that the pastor has experienced in his life, Blanco will offer a presentation talk in ten localities of Euskal Herria, in the next six weeks: Antzuola, Urruña, Arrasate, Lazkao, Azpeitia, Aniz, Derio, Durango, Vitoria and Larzabal.

The delivery process of this book depends on the herd cycle. When he has not had to make cheese, in summer, the writer has made the final pleats to the text and the presentation talks will give them before the lambs start to be born, approximately until the end of the year. But the pastor is very active next spring, on those dates when he doesn't have to cheeses every two days, to talk face-to-face with readers.

If you want to organize a talk in your locality before the end of this year or in the spring or summer next, write to

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