“In the book I have collected the testimony of our concerns, joys and realities as pastors,” explains Josebe Blanco in the ARGIA interview. In the pages of the book Rumarrean there is a pastor who does not enter the standard imaginary of grazing: woman, Basque, ecologist, vegetarian... Look carefully at the issues that are at the tail from the marginal sites.
Like the texts of this peculiar day to day are beautiful, it is also a pleasure for the eyes: Eider Uribarrena Reyero has illustrated every month, Dani Blanco has photographed the relationship between sheep and sheep and Maitane Gartziandia has designed a refined colored book.
It is already on sale for 22 euros at the ARGIA fair (whoever chooses it can also request it by phone at 943 37 15 45). He will arrive at his homes by 10 November, just leaving the printing press. All other stores will be on sale from mid-November.
If requested before 22 October, ARGIA members will be able to buy cheaper.
From today until 22 October, ARGIA members will be able to purchase the book "Rumarrean" for a price of 20 euros. Persons entering the period shall receive the book free of charge.
If you are a member of ARGIA and want to buy the book, write us in the email azoka@argia.eus or call the phone (0034) 943 37 15 45 before October 22.
The book Rumorea is published on 15 October. In fact, October 15 is Women's Day Campesinas.Mujer, working, caring for the land... All this, and more, is a peasant woman who has revealed her situation in Leire Artola’s comprehensive “Vital and Forgotten” report.
The objective of ARGIA is to influence from the journalistic sphere, and we closely follow the environment, food sovereignty and the agroecological movement to make known alternatives. On the website of ARGIA Bizi Baratze you will find the contents on these topics. People interested in receiving a weekly collection of content can subscribe to the Bizi Baratzea newsletter free of charge. And if we join the Telegram group of the Vital Garden, we will receive once a day a work proposed by Jakoba Errekondo for this time.
ARGIA disseminates content and journalistic works that help to live with respect for the environment, but to do so, the more we are, the more we are going to work. If you also want to strengthen this project, join us.
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