"Child abuse is one of the most controversial issues in our society," says the UPV press release. "The effects of this violence, if they do not receive adequate psychological treatment, can cause damage to the victim throughout life." New phenomena are currently taking place that require new solutions, as Echeburua explains: "For example, group sexual assaults or the introduction of new technologies have brought new forms of sexual abuse to minors through digital devices such as sexting or online grooming. On the other hand, there have been significant changes in the judicial area to prevent the secondary victimization of minors who have been victims of sexual abuse and have filed a complaint about it. In the judicial treatment of abused minors, the evidence previously constituted and, in general, good practices have developed remarkably in the last two decades. Likewise, the age of sexual consent has been modified, before it took 13 years, now 16; the limitation period for crimes has also been modified”.
In his opinion, another phenomenon of great psychological interest is the delay in the communication of sexual abuse in childhood, “as in the case of adults who were abused by teachers, monitors or cures when they were minors. This phenomenon, from the psychological point of view, requires an adequate explanation and, from the judicial point of view, a review of the prescription of the crime or the search for alternatives to compensate victims based on mediation and restorative justice processes”. As he explained, the majority of children who have suffered sexual abuse have been affected by the experience of sexual abuse. "Most importantly, the discomfort that occurs continues in adulthood if they do not receive adequate psychological treatment. In these cases, it is best to act therapeutically at the same time with the victim and his family. In this way, intervention with children in general is used along with efforts to honor the aggressor and foster the family’s ability to help the child.”
The objective, according to the authors, is to express that there is no single profile of victim, that individual differences are present and that there is no unchanging response to a traumatic situation: "The objective is to achieve the keys that facilitate the child's resilience in the face of a traumatic situation. It is also important to mention the efforts made in some countries to carry out early prevention programs with sexual abuse, both to prevent the victimization of minors and to detect pedophile-like fantasies and deviations among male adolescents not yet involved in abuse behaviors”.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.