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Conference on the use of the children's screen

  • Screens 0-6. What for? Hik Hasi has organized talks for Early Childhood Education educators. On 19 November they will be in Barakaldo and 20 in Zumaia. Three experts on the subject will offer lectures and the experiences of two schools will be made known.

16 November 2021 - 12:05
Last updated: 13:14
Pantailen erabilerak haur txikiengan duten erabileraren inguruan gogoetatuko dute. / Argazkia:

Hik Hasi has organised a conference to reflect on the use of screens in children from 0 to 6 years old, on Friday at BEC in Barakaldo and on Saturday at Zumaiena School in Zumaia. According to the organizers, educators and professionals, they have shown their "concern" about the theme, and the objective of these days is to "provide information and generate reflection". Training sessions will address a number of questions: “Have we thought enough about what and how should we use them at this stage? Do we know what influence the excessive use or misuse of screens can have on the development and relationships of children?”

Three conferences will be held and the experiences of two schools will be made known later, with the aim of promoting reflection and debate. The first speaker will be Anna Ramis, an educator, pedagogue and expert in early dependence on the screen, who will talk about the meaning of screens in Early Childhood Education.

Alvaro Beñaran will now take the floor. She holds a degree in Therapeutic Pedagogy and chair and trainer of ASEFOP (European Association of Schools of Psychomotor Practice). It will reflect on the psychic abilities of children up to 6 years old to be in front of screens and manage that information.

Finally, Amaia Arroyo, a professor and researcher of Special Education at HUHEZI, will focus on digital technology: she will talk about the digital leadership boys and girls need. Finally, the lecturers will share the experience of Donostia’s Axular Liceo, and Professor Eneko Jorajuria will explain the details of the challenge ‘10 days without screen’. The project was carried out in Ipar Euskal Herria, and in this interview Jorajuria's statements on the subject can be read.

Hik Hasi's days can be followed both in person and online, after registration here for Barakaldo and here for Zumaia.

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