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Electronic cigarettes for children turn on a red alert

  • Electronic bapeers or cigars have been multiplied in the form of a toy or doll and sweet taste. They warn that the tobacco industry is targeted at the youngest and start taking action in several countries. The French Government has recently expressed its intention to ban single-use bapeers.
Kaltegarriak ez direla pentsatuz, toxikoa den produktu bat normalizatzen ari da adin txikikoen artean.

11 October 2023 - 02:00
Last updated: 07:16
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In the market you can find bapeadores with mint, strawberry, vanilla or coca cola flavor, as well as pictures of cartoon characters. Some vapors contain nicotine and others do not, but the vapor that is breathed with them is as harmful as nicotine. According to several studies, young people start smoking cigarettes at age 14 and 11.

“More and more children and adolescents are victims of the tobacco industry, advertising tactics of products that are harmful to health are directly focused on them and are an industry that moves rapidly before new regulations limit,” the World Health Organization said.

Door to smoking

“Litxarkeri stores sell bapeadores, there are cartoon bapeadores to collect and children are given electronic cigars on the day of communion. We are seeing campaigns to promote smoking in children aged 8 and 9. Thinking that they are not harmful, a toxic product is normalizing among minors and it is proven that it is a door to smoking,” the Spanish family doctors association has denounced.

In many countries, measures are being taken against this marketing aimed at minors, including to limit or ban the use of vapors among minors. The World Health Organization recommends a ban on education in schools in order to remove students from smoking. The Health Department of the French Government recently announced its intention to ban single use electronic cigarettes, the most popular among children and adolescents.


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