The song has been published two years after the association created it. Naiz, the former Chrysallis is the continuation of Euskal Herria. The song Naiz/I know who I am has been composed by the Navarro artist Kai Etxaniz and Ekaitz Goikoetxea has taken care of the lyrics in Basque. The song is recorded mainly in Spanish. Riki Rivera was responsible for the production. The members of the group Huntza Josune Arakistain and María Antúnez have been in charge of bringing music to music. The sound engineer Luis del Toro has made the production teacnica.Segun have explained, the song has a single objective: to make visible the reality that families who have a member in a situation of transsexuality live in their homes.
Today, Naizen brings together about 200 families from Hego Euskal Herria and forms a network of mutual assistance.