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These are the award-winning films of the Zinegoak festival.

  • The documentary Sirens by Rita Baghdadi has won the 2023 Zinegoak Grand Prix, the Warsha Public Prize by Dania Bdeir and the Senior Jury Prize. Most of the winners have been women. The winning works are listed below.

04 July 2023 - 10:54
Last updated: 16:05
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 3 July the awards of the Zinegoak festival have been given, and both in feature films and short films the protagonists have been the realities of Lebanon. The female presence at the LGBTI+ film and performing arts festival in Bilbao has also been remarkable, winning in six out of nine awards.

The Zinegoak Grand Prix, sponsored by EITB, with 4,000 euros, was for the documentary Sirens led by Rita Baghadi: "It tells the complex panorama in which the political, social and cultural conflict is related to bodily practices as motor change, configuring the body as a place of desire, creativity, resistance and social transformation: mirror of dissidents arising after the fall of the regime".

The grand prize of the DOK category has also fallen to Bahdadi, and the jury has made a special mention of Uyra, a revival of the floresta, directed by Juliaca Cari, for "showing a permeable attunement to the context he films from a decolonal point of view".

In the FIK category, Regra 34, by Julia Murata, has won, "it is a brave film because desire breaks borders and bodies are placed and political. In addition, aesthetically it is related to the new cinematic narratives". The protagonist of the film, Sol Miranda, has received the award for the Best Interpretation of the Protagonist for "working masterfully very different universes".

The work Anhell69, directed by Theo Montoya, has been awarded in the section KRAK, dedicated to the new narratives: "Because it reveals the violence suffered by young queers from Medellín through a powerful and lyrical cinematographic choice".

The award from the audience and the Senior Jury was for the Warsha short film from Dania Bdeir: "Because it is built on two conflicting worlds: an oppressive and dark world, which after a path full of difficulties and dangers starts to live its internal freedom," the jury said about the film.

The young jury has awarded the Perpetual Happiness short film, produced by Isa Luengo and Sofia Esteve Santoja, "for the history it reflects and for its naturalness", and has given a special mention to Tíos, directed by Paco Ruiz.

Casa Sussana wins the Lesbian and Gender Prize, directed by Sébastian Lifshitz: "By documenting the history of the house and its protagonists, showing their testimonies carefully and with respect and without references of the time, they embrace each other in the community." The film Who I Am Not, by the director of Tünde Skovrange, deserves a special mention.

The Best Secondary Representation has been for Alejandro Goicen, of Mutt, for “getting excited with his tender and true look.”

The ZG/PRO WIP (Work In Progress) award was for the Egoitz Arbiol Albeniz and Ibai Fresnedo project, produced by the Hiruki Larroxa Cooperative.

At the end of this edition, films from the official section such as Casa Susanna, Los agitadores, Regra 34 or De noche los gatos are brown will be shown on the platform Filmin. In addition to the official section, you will see other works such as the retrospective of the Honor Award Angeles Cruz, the special 20th anniversary cycle or the O.S. in Basque. Cycle.

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