Three quarter-finals sessions have been held on the first two weekends in May and the bertsolari left at these sessions has gained live entry to the semi-finals. The remaining nine have been ranked by ranking order in the classification table (here you can see the classification table of the quarter-finals).
The first session of the semi-finals will be held in Araia on 28 May. From 17:30 onwards, six bertsolaris will operate in the Andra Mari room in the village: Andere Arriolabengoa, Asier Otamendi, Felipe Zelaieta, Maddi Agirre, Oihane Perea and Unai Anda.
The second semi-final will be held in Izarra from the following day, on 29 May. From 17:30 hours will act in the House of Culture the sextet: Iñaki Viñaspre, Manex Agirre, Paula Amilburu, Peru Abarrategi, Rikardo Gonzalez de Durana and Xabi Igoa.
In the end, six bertsolaris will act, on 11 June in the auditorium María de Maeztu in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The two bertsolaris remaining in the two semi-finals will go straight to the end and the remaining four will be classified according to the points obtained in the semi-finals.