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When you read this

  • By the time you read this, what you have so far is over, to resume what we've left behind in six months.

24 July 2023 - 05:29
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

When you read this, the milk scent of the cheese will be less. The milk cup will slide quickly without internal water to warm the milk. With the dishes clean and collected, waiting for the month of February to come again to feel the heat of the milk. For months the echo of the cheese will have nothing to repeat, as the blade, the lira and the molds will be inactive. No milk jumps, all dry.

You won't hear sheep from the kitchen. The milking will also spend the following months quietly, not sheep, nor grain, nor door noises. Striped sheep will be heard more loudly, brought home once a week – to stop on mineral stones, to care for cushions… – but it will not be the same...

The house environment will be too clean when you read it. Do not gamble on the laces.

The meadows will be green deserts, without sheep, and the gaps left by the white spaces will be green, too green.

The world that is going to get its nose is not going to have sheep vapors, at least every day. Once every two days he will throw us to Ardita to get in touch with that smell throat: Follow the mountain up, please go with the sheep!

It cannot be denied! And we go to the mountain, to the sheep. They are found in the prairie, generously grazing, and when they see us they start to call, as in movies lovers gather together, the shepherd and the sheep. He will sit against the strawberries and be surrounded by a circle of sheep. The hands, in solidarity with the nose, will caress the sheep again and again until the pores overflow. And once the unmarried deception is over, on the way home, the shepherd will bring his hands to the face and smell the sheep for comfort.

During work, the shepherd will remind the sheep during periods of abandonment. Remember that for the next winter it is in the grasses, or when the plantations pass with a drizzle of hands.

Remember that cheese is being sold at ecological summer fairs or when rams and sheep are collected in early August. Remember that during the month of October it is dedicated to frost so that sheep can have delicious winter solomilles.

All in the hope that within six months the lambs will be born. Without realizing it, you will dream of cheeses that you will make from February with milky milk. All of them to feed the neighbors.

When you read this, what you end up with now will start the herd of the future. And to the coming people.

Get involved.

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