I was going to write a column tirelessly, but I found it ridiculous to pretend that at the age of 19 it's collapsed: rendered, tired, disappointed, as if this world had denied me. I found it even more ridiculous to dream of the little little rolls that we have left, to lose me in choosing a last flight, to fight a little bit for the problem to be for another.
We'll live well, quiet, good.
I don't want you to fall into a cartoon, but I think it's already unfair for you to compensate me, to seek compromise, to settle for goodwill.
yes, I understand you
I think about what I have to write and I hate the words that are militants of self: fleeing from the definition of revolution and organizing the alternative in that dream that seems you don't live.
Included capital
(Word of capital to replace the bourgeoisie, red flag).
With the wrong humility they say that it was a mistake, that it was voted involuntarily, that it really has not protected it… and they take a free space to talk about my class.
The innocent is guilty of all the servility of the world, when he has been persuaded that he has nothing to do, and also feels defeated when he has no choice but to win that expropriation. We need rest, and this will only be given by force:
We want it.
When I was young
When I'm young.
Red Flag
Red flag.
Someone said this here in ARGIA, and I think you'll talk about it this week in Euskal Herria:
“I don’t want to be a writer who writes against the bourgeoisie, but who has no problem with the bourgeoisie; I don’t want to be a writer who writes for his class but does not fight for his class. It seems to me hypocritical and false, it upsets me. However, I do not judge it, sometimes I am too moralistic. But to me, the truth, that attitude gives me disgust, and I wouldn’t sleep peacefully at night.”
Joan den urte hondarrean atera da L'affaire Ange Soleil, le dépeceur d'Aubervilliers (Ange Soleil afera, Aubervilliers-ko puskatzailea) eleberria, Christelle Lozère-k idatzia. Lozère da artearen historiako irakasle bakarra Antilletako... [+]
Martxoaren 17an hasi eta hila bukatu bitartean, Literatura Plazara jaialdia egingo da Oiartzunen. Hirugarren urtez antolatu du egitasmoa 1545 argitaletxeak, bigarrenez bi asteko formatuan. "Literaturak plaza hartzea nahi dugu, partekatzen dugun zaletasuna ageri-agerian... [+]
Etxe bat norberarena
Yolanda Arrieta
Alberdania, 2024
Gogotsu heldu diot irakurketari. Yolanda Arrietaren obra aski ezaguna zait eta iragan maiatzean argitaratu zuen proposamen honetan murgiltzeko tartea izan dut,... [+]
1984an ‘Bizitza Nola Badoan’ lehen poema liburua (Maiatz) argitaratu zuenetik hainbat poema-liburu, narrazio eta eleberri argitaratu ditu Itxaro Borda idazleak. 2024an argitaratu zuen azken lana, ‘Itzalen tektonika’ (SUSA), eta egunero zutabea idazten du... [+]
SCk Zerocalcareri egindako galdera sorta eta honen erantzunak, jarraian.
Euskal Herriko literatura gaztearen eta idazle hauen topagune bilakatu nahi den proiektu berriaren inguruan hitz egingo dugu gaur.
Rosvita. Teatro-lanak
Enara San Juan Manso
UEU / EHU, 2024
Enara San Juanek UEUrekin latinetik euskarara ekarri ditu X. mendeko moja alemana zen Rosvitaren teatro-lanak. Gandersheimeko abadian bizi zen idazlea zen... [+]
Idazketa labana bat da
Annie Ernaux
Itzulpena: Leire Lakasta
Katakrak, 2024
Decisive seconds
Manu López Gaseni
Beste, 2024
You start reading this short novel and you feel trapped, and in that it has to do with the intense and fast pace set by the writer. In the first ten pages we will find out... [+]
Istorioetan murgildu eta munduak eraikitzea gustuko du Iosune de Goñi García argazkilari, idazle eta itzultzaileak (Burlata, Nafarroa, 1993). Zaurietatik, gorputzetik eta minetik sortzen du askotan. Desgaitua eta gaixo kronikoa da, eta artea erabiltzen du... [+]
When the dragon swallowed the
sun Aksinja Kermauner
Alberdania, 2024
Dozens of books have been written by Slovenian writer Aksinja Kermauner. This is the first published in Basque, translated by Patxi Zubizarreta... [+]