Villava's tent was small yesterday at the Hatortxurock festival. "Txiki, but with solidarity," the organizers confirm with a note. "The policy of alienation has ended and with it has radically changed the conflict situation in the Basque Country. But we have memory and love for tones." That is why the victims of the policy of dispersion were reminded at the event: Sara Fernández, Rosa Amezaga, Arantza Amezaga, Pilar Arsuaga, Alfonso Isasi, Antxoni Fernandez, Jose Mari Maruri, Mari Karmen Salbide, Rubén Garate, Iñaki Saez, Asier Heriz, Leo Iturralde, Iñesteele Balagativity
"The policy of remoteness is past, yes, but it has not yet settled everything", the organizers acknowledged that the next challenge is "to turn the situation that perpetuates us to the past and to give way to the issue of Basque prisoners, refugees and deportees." "We have a new ending on the horizon."
The tents launched yesterday were filled with thousands of people. And for everything to be organized well and the festival to go well, about 500 people worked. "What treasure it is today to put hundreds of people voluntarily, affectionately, at work and achieve that result," he says.
However, the festival has not been round. "It's been far from round," the organizers say, referring to two macho attacks. "We say this clearly, we have to fix the issue of prisoners, refugees and deportees among all, and that's why we want people to join Hatortxu Rock. But more clearly than you, that aggressor, is not welcome. Hatortxu Rock has to be a safe space for everyone and we will have to keep working."
Kutixik Non
Festival: In the Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo, in San Sebastián.
When: 26 October.
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Opera groups Don Pasquale de
Donizetti: OSE and Bilbao Opera Choir.
Soloists: S. Orfila M.J. Moreno, F. Demuro, D. Del Castillo, P.M. Sánchez.
Stage Director: Emiliano Suárez.
Scenography Alfons Flores.
Place: Euskalduna Palace
Date: 19 October.
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