This year the Hatortxu Rock festival returns to Atarrabia. Last year they were unable to hold the traditional solidarity festival for the pandemic, but now they have presented the new date for its 25th edition: December 18. Tickets will be sold on October 17 from 20:00 on the website and in the coming weeks the groups will be known. Benefits will be used, as always, to “work against dispersion”.
They have announced that, "as far as possible", they have continued to work on the pandemic, as they have seen the need to denounce the policy of dispersion suffered by the relatives of Basque political prisoners and to deal with the "enormous" economic costs that this entails. However, they have recalled the good news that has been given in that period, such as the smaller number of political prisoners and the approaching of many other prisoners to prison. However, Hatortxu Rock's collaborators have stressed that they will continue to work until the nearly 200 people in prison are transferred to their homes.
Two-day festival in summer
At the festival, which will be held in December, the health measures of COVID-19 will be complied with, and accordingly, the possibility of adjustments, always “with responsibility”, has been recognized. Faced with the vacuum created by the pandemic, they have decided to organize a new meeting to balance in summer: on 29 and 30 July they will meet again in Villava, if the state of health allows it.
Bi edizio baino ez zaizkio geratzen elkartasun jaialdiari. Antolakuntzak iragarri bezala, ohiko jaialdia eginen dute abenduaren 28an, eta 2025eko uztailean lau eguneko jaialdi berezi baten ostean, agur esateko une gazi-gozoa helduko da. Aritz Colio Hatortxuko antolakuntzako... [+]
Hatortxurock XXI. edizioa arrakastatsua izan da berriz ere. Milaka lagun bildu ziren Atarrabiako karpan euskal preso eta iheslarien etxeratzea aldarrikatzeko, eta euren senideei babesa eskeintzeko. Ahotsa.inforen bideo honetan bildu dituzten irudi ezanguratsuenak.
Iñaki Alforja zine zuzendariak dokumental batean bildu du Hatortxu Rock-eko 20. edizioa posible egin zuen auzolan erraldoia. 20 pertsonaren istorioen bitartez, zuzendari iruindarrak elkartasun jaialdiaren aurreko zein bertako bizipenak bildu ditu. Eta tituloak... [+]
Astelehen honetan aurkeztu dute abenduaren 16an Atarrabiako oholtza gainera igoko diren taldeen zerrenda. “Zuek gabe… etenik ez!” lemapean egingo dute elkartasun jaialdia.
Ahaztezina izango zela esan genuen, eta ahaztezina egin dugu. Denon artean egingo genuela esan genuen eta denon artean egin dugu. Etxerako bidea eraikiko genuela esan dugu eta etxerako bidea eraiki dugu. Eta eraikitzen jarraituko dugu. Balorazio oso positiboa egiten dugu... [+]