“The festival that began to organize with the objective of responding in solidarity to the reality of political prisoners, refugees and Basque deportees and socializing their litigation, will hold its last two editions”. On Tuesday he announced the end of his career in a note of the most prestigious music festivals in Euskal Herria. “Once we have achieved the end of the dispersion we wanted, but aware of what remains to be done on the way to your home, we want to put an end to it in the best way,” they explain. Hatortxu Rock was first held in 1999.
Hatortxu will have the last two editions in 2024 and 2025. The 2024 edition has been announced in regular formats and dates: a one-day festival will be held on 28 December. The 2025 edition, the final farewell, will be special, “with a four-day historic festival” and in summer from 24th to 27th July. They have not released any program, but the entries for the two editions are already available here.
New tools for solidarity
“The festival has come to an end, but all the reasons that motivated it have not disappeared. The situation of Basque political prisoners, refugees and deportees still needs the involvement of Basque society,” they stressed from Hatortxu. Considering that “the profound changes suffered in the habits of life and the new political scenarios” make “new forms” essential to defend Basque prisoners, refugees and deportees, they warn: “Hatortxu goes, but to give way to new tools.” Since the festival they have relied on the power of citizenship to develop new tools and roads.
“Hatortxu Rock interprets the last chords giving the best of himself, as the situation demands, conjugating celebration and claim. Once again, putting music in the middle, bringing thousands of people together in solidarity with political prisoners, refugees and Basque deportees,” they end.
Bi edizio baino ez zaizkio geratzen elkartasun jaialdiari. Antolakuntzak iragarri bezala, ohiko jaialdia eginen dute abenduaren 28an, eta 2025eko uztailean lau eguneko jaialdi berezi baten ostean, agur esateko une gazi-gozoa helduko da. Aritz Colio Hatortxuko antolakuntzako... [+]
Hatortxurock XXI. edizioa arrakastatsua izan da berriz ere. Milaka lagun bildu ziren Atarrabiako karpan euskal preso eta iheslarien etxeratzea aldarrikatzeko, eta euren senideei babesa eskeintzeko. Ahotsa.inforen bideo honetan bildu dituzten irudi ezanguratsuenak.
Iñaki Alforja zine zuzendariak dokumental batean bildu du Hatortxu Rock-eko 20. edizioa posible egin zuen auzolan erraldoia. 20 pertsonaren istorioen bitartez, zuzendari iruindarrak elkartasun jaialdiaren aurreko zein bertako bizipenak bildu ditu. Eta tituloak... [+]
Astelehen honetan aurkeztu dute abenduaren 16an Atarrabiako oholtza gainera igoko diren taldeen zerrenda. “Zuek gabe… etenik ez!” lemapean egingo dute elkartasun jaialdia.
Ahaztezina izango zela esan genuen, eta ahaztezina egin dugu. Denon artean egingo genuela esan genuen eta denon artean egin dugu. Etxerako bidea eraikiko genuela esan dugu eta etxerako bidea eraiki dugu. Eta eraikitzen jarraituko dugu. Balorazio oso positiboa egiten dugu... [+]
Eta halako batean Hatortxun ginen emakumeon artean begirada eta irrifar konplizeak sortzen hasi ziren, eskailera horiek igo eta bertan zegoena ikustean…