The 24th edition of the festival will be the one that each of them will have to enjoy from home, compared to previous editions. This year's offer is special and the organization has acknowledged that they are "working for it". After 21 years, this year’s edition has been threatened by the cancellation of the edition, but they have opted for culture.
All the names, songs and shows that can only be enjoyed at this Hatortxu Rock.La music will be the protagonist, but there will also be other artistic performances. Thus, he would like to thank and return the effort made to all the artists who have participated in the event during so many years os.Bad Sound, DJ Reimy Suaia and Ama Rebel and Nerabe, among others, will be some of the shows that will be offered in this edition.
They have reminded the sectors most affected by the pandemic: prisoners and culture. They have therefore underlined the "need" to continue working and to move the festival forward, although they have stressed that it will be "special" for it."The expenses involved in making 1,000 kilometers every weekend remain there, and yet the revenue, mostly from the initiatives organized by the people's movement, has been interrupted by the pandemic that has paralyzed all these initiatives", they stressed.
"This year the Hatortxu Rock festival will have to go online, but we really come to offer something that is worth it. Because they deserve it," says the organization.
#HTX24 Push harder than ever dugu.https:/
— Hatortxurock (@Hatortxurock) October 30, 2020
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Hatortxurock XXI. edizioa arrakastatsua izan da berriz ere. Milaka lagun bildu ziren Atarrabiako karpan euskal preso eta iheslarien etxeratzea aldarrikatzeko, eta euren senideei babesa eskeintzeko. Ahotsa.inforen bideo honetan bildu dituzten irudi ezanguratsuenak.
Iñaki Alforja zine zuzendariak dokumental batean bildu du Hatortxu Rock-eko 20. edizioa posible egin zuen auzolan erraldoia. 20 pertsonaren istorioen bitartez, zuzendari iruindarrak elkartasun jaialdiaren aurreko zein bertako bizipenak bildu ditu. Eta tituloak... [+]
Astelehen honetan aurkeztu dute abenduaren 16an Atarrabiako oholtza gainera igoko diren taldeen zerrenda. “Zuek gabe… etenik ez!” lemapean egingo dute elkartasun jaialdia.
Ahaztezina izango zela esan genuen, eta ahaztezina egin dugu. Denon artean egingo genuela esan genuen eta denon artean egin dugu. Etxerako bidea eraikiko genuela esan dugu eta etxerako bidea eraiki dugu. Eta eraikitzen jarraituko dugu. Balorazio oso positiboa egiten dugu... [+]