The festivities of Vitoria-Gasteiz are held between 4 and 9 August. This year, after two years of cessation by the pandemic, the txosnas will again be present at the Campus of Vitoria-Gasteiz, an impulse for the popular festivities and the popular movement.
In the absence of two months, the concerts of the Txosnas festivities of Vitoria-Gasteiz begin to be announced. The first groups that have been released have been the Navarros Ibil Bedi and the rock group Willis Drummond, baiads. They have also announced the celebration of the Dub Gaua by the hand of the Sound System of Aiaralde.
Sound System by Ayala
Pop rock
Willis Drummond
Txosnen eledun Eider Castañedaren hitzetan, Marta Ruiz de Alda alkate erregionalistak "autogestioarekin, jai herrikoiekin, euskararekin, feminismoarekin zerikusia duen espazio oro debekatu nahi du".