The 2025 cider season will have its first weekend. The opening events have been held this week. The first one took place at the Alorrenea Shilling in Astigarraga on Wednesday, organized by Sagardoaren lurraldea, while the second and last big party took place on Thursday, as usual, in Saizar.
Our Circus opened the txotx season in Alorrenea. Iker Galartza, Joseba Usabiaga and Lur Aranburu were in charge of launching the first txotx, dressed in circus costumes, on the stage. Galartza spoke in front of the microphones and said that the works of Valles Zirkuitua and the Sidreria are not so different: "For people to have fun, we have to work, and you too, even if it's not the best day, always have to keep a smile."
In Saizar, for his part, the Spanish cyclist Perico Delgado was honoured, among others, the former football players of the Royal Male Society Imanol Agirretxe, Asier Illarramendi, Markel Bergara, the cooks Hilario and Eusebio Arbelaitz, the cyclist Haimar Zubeldia and El Sebastián. Also known faces of the Spanish State.
Andoni Egaña sang the verse that followed the txotx:
To see
we copy
your career in Saizar after eating and drinking we talk Make a
meet Kupel to take advantage of all the
opportunities of the
After dinner, on the stage, Julian Iantzi was in charge of presenting the work, and the first to warm the atmosphere were Josune Arakistain Süne and Olatz Salvador, and then Manu Tenorio, before paying tribute to Delgado. Then Andoni Egaña sang a segidilla, among other things, with a message to Delgado, Iantzi and the popular Arconada, and Korrontzi took charge of ending the festival.
Production drops by 60%
This year there has been less than half of cider production than last year, mainly due to the fall in harvest. This was confirmed last week by the Euskal Sagardoa Designation of Origin and Napo Lertxundi of Saizar also confirmed it at the opening of the txotx, although he stressed that this year has better quality.
In total, two million kilos of apple have been collected in 250 apples, which has allowed the production of 1,300,000 liters of cider in 46 quarries: one in Álava, three in Bizkaia and 42 quarries in Gipuzkoa. "But it will be enough," the designation of origin said.
The txotx season has begun and citizenship has begun with enthusiasm to test the harvest raised in the wineries of the sidrerías. We cannot miss the annual ritual, this way of promoting and living Basque culture. But every tradition, whether voluntary or not, changes and the... [+]
Hernaniarra naiz. Sagardozalea. Eskubaloira jokatu dudan hogei urteetan ezagutu ditudan emakume gehienek, nazioarte mailan jokatutako kirolari handiak barne, nik bezain beste gozatzen zuten sagardotegian garaipenak ospatzen genituenean, edo talde sentimendua kupel artean... [+]
Eguerdiko 13:00etan emango dio hasiera, proiektu solidarioak, 2018ko sagardotegi garaiari. Aurretik, trikitilariak eta Kalez Kale Kantariko kideak ibiliko dira herriko kaleetan, eta kirikoketa erakustaldia egingo dute Plazan. Irekieraren ondoren, bazkaria egingo dute Goiko... [+]
On 17 June, the Sagarno Eguna was held in Hendaia. About twenty years ago they began to celebrate it, but after a couple of years of rest, the Baleak association has already regained the initiative last year.
There has been some novelty at this year’s party: Hendaia's was, for... [+]
Larunbat honetan sagardo eguna eginen dute Hendaian. Duela hogei urte inguru hasi ziren egun hori ospatzen, baina urte pare bateko deskantsua eta gero, iaz berreskuratu zuen ekimena Balea elkarteak.
Egunotan ikusgai dago Sagardoaren ibaiak, bizitza iturri erakusketa Hernanin. Urumea eta Oria iraganean burdinari, ontzigintzari eta merkataritzari loturiko ibaiak izan zirela ikus dezakegu haren bidez.
Martxoaren 14an beltzez jantzitako emakumeek hartuko dituzte Hernaniko kaleak. Ekintza honek sagardotegi boladan ugari izaten diren eraso sexisten aurkako mezua zabaldu eta autodefentsa feministaz erantzuteko deia egingo du.