The network that supports vulnerable migrants in San Sebastian has pointed out that these types of behaviors and attitudes remember “the wall of shame of Mr. Trump, located on the southern border of the US.” They also denounce that the City of San Sebastian continues to set borders while the municipal authorities claim that “Donostia is an open city”. Thus, they ask Mayor Eneko Goia to remove the “shameful barriers”: “Put the necessary budget so no one sleeps on the ground. They are people and not pigeons.”
The policy of the Basque Government to criminalise the poor has become news again in November. Lanbide has created an anonymous whistleblower for honest citizens to denounce “any suspicion of irregular actions” from potentially fraudulent citizens receiving Income Guarantee... [+]
Pools can be a classroom to understand class conflict, analyzing differences between bodies. I've been swimming in municipal pools for many years. Almost always in the Aldabe Civic Center, located between the neighborhoods of Alde Zaharra and Errota. But there was a time when I... [+]
Iruñerriko Etxebizitza Sindikatu Sozialistak eta Harituk Iruñeko Udalak etxegabeentzat eskaintzen dituen baliabideak kritikatu dituzte: "Ogi apurrak dira", adierazi du Martin Zamarbide Harituko kideak. Behin behineko zenbait "aukera" ematen... [+]
There were Shaky, Violet, Arsalan and Zhara. Couple and family composed of their children aged 3 and 4 months. They lived with four other people on a seafront in Tetuan Plaza in Barcelona. The space was the seat of a bank, until it closed and abandoned it. Another 13,000... [+]
Ikasleen erdiak arrunki jasotzen ditu eskolaz kanpoko klase partikularrak, eta hirutik bi noizbait joan da partikularretara. Ikasle Abertzaleek egindako galdetegien emaitza da, baina klase hauek “ez dira ikasteko borondaterik ez duten ikasle alferren errefortzurako... [+]