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Jose Luis Zumetaren margolana.

14 February 2025 - 15:23
Last updated: 2025-02-18 16:46
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees

The reader may already be aware that the Society of Reception was created with the intention of helping the Basques, who have spent many years in prison, in exile and/or deportation due to the political conflict in the Basque Country, on their way home, in the shortcomings, difficulties and inconveniences they face in order to begin to rebuild their lives.

The tasks of this association are, among others: to contact them directly from the moment they leave the prison door, or from the moment they return from exile and from places of deportation; to help them carry out identity documents, driver’s licenses and... procedures that must be updated with the administration; to quickly address the needs of health services with years of inattention; to know if they have accommodation, what skills they would have to enter the world of work to rebuild their lives and if they have the resources to cope with the current minimum expenses, and to be able to count on them to help them quickly.

We don’t have to work too hard to know how much we need. It is enough for us to realize that for twenty years the majority of those who continue to suffer from the prison have been away from their families, their friends and their villages. Many are those who have reached the age of 30, and there are also those who have been 25. Those who have had to live in prison for so many years (and we will not mention here the inhuman situation in which they have kept many for a long time), when the sentence or sentence imposed on them comes to an end, have to deal with the fulfillment of a second sentence that is neither finished nor mentioned. Since the trains corresponding to each stage of life (probably more than one) have left him: the consequence of not being able to contribute in all those years for the jubilee is a simple example; he probably has a modified structure that his family had when he was on the street; his friends and acquaintances, living in couples and having their children educated or occupied in caregiving; if he is not fallen in the student period, the company he worked for may not exist; or the type of work he did is radically altered.

Where can you find a location for a normalized life?

We are only beginning to think that, given the average age, the chances of finding an economic solution to the necessities of life will be lost; and therefore, since the assistance of the neighbours will be obligatory, we will be aware that we are facing a challenge of enormous urgency.

The Host Association is responding to the most urgent needs with voluntary contributions from individuals, associations, companies and institutions. But the needs have increased considerably and are expected to increase, as the number of former prisoners increases as prisons are evacuated, and so does the repatriation of exiles and deportees.

Experts who travel the world in mediation for the resolution of conflicts say that the consequences of political conflict must also be resolved, at least if there is a commitment to true coexistence based on justice. Of course, we have not yet reached the commitment to have these needs recognized as rights and paid for by decree.

It will then still be necessary to continue to respond voluntarily. And that is why the Reception Association has launched a powerful campaign aimed at increasing the number of those who would make voluntary contributions. Renowned Basque sculptors and painters have also participated in this campaign by donating their works of art. Artists who have made solidarity with the Honatx campaign: Juan Gorriti, Dora Salazar, Irantzu Lekue, Eider Eibar, Gonzalo Etxebarria and José Luis Zumeta (the latter carried by the fatal cursed pandemic in April 2020). Small boxes adorned with these works of art have been put on sale for a very modest price. This time we have an excellent opportunity to subscribe to the Reception and, at the same time, to enjoy the works of these great Basque artists by buying small boxes screenprinted with these works of art by Basque artists.

It’s a great job of the artists who have received it. They seem to express what each one feels and sees about this theme or motif from their own style. In particular, what Zumeta has done has caught my attention and I have observed it. I looked at it and found it to be perfect for this reason. It’s amazing what you can see there and I’ll try to summarize my reading.

I will divide the whole picture into two parts. One half down and the other half up.

On the side below the middle

To the right: It would represent the peace of the cemetery that the Basque Country lived in after the war of 1936. Without the light. All dark and dead. Black spots of great burden, witnesses of massacres.

In the image of the middle pair: the youth can be seen standing up, well attached to the ground, eyes wide open, teeth clenched and dressed in curai (blood color, red).

To the left: this activity of youth gives light to the people and brings hope (expressed in green-light colors). And here, these black dots that splatter this section of hope, would be the painful consequences that have occurred in the activity of youth.

Back to the top

From the right: the red color occupies most of it. Because the consciousness of fighting for freedom has already been incorporated into more citizens, and the results are also beginning to take shape in the people. There is something similar to the tree, which may be the tree of Gernika. His roots appear healthy on the ground and he would like to explain that he is trying to gather the whole territory into himself, in the color of the emblem. It also appreciates the contribution that feminism brings, bringing its color to its roots. But in this image, similar to the one seen on the left side in this scene or scenario, if we take a good look at it, comes to mind the image of the person who has given his life to the people and who has fallen into the clutches of the oppressors. The fate of those who have suffered for many years. A heartbreaking situation in the depths of one who at some point leaves the exile or prison and wishes to return to the village. That's why the color darkens there, and it looks like it's inside the capsule. For those who have lived for the People and who have had to suffer for the People, the fact that they do not live in the People makes them feel lonely. And of course, he is not accustomed to asking for anything for himself and he will not ask for anything. But he needs everything!

And to this picture comes the Reception! !

As you can see, the panorama that we have is perfectly represented in this work of Zumeta with sensitive character and sharp eyes. For this reason, although we are aware that when interpreting a drawing, more history is expressed than at least one of the drawing itself, we could say that this work of art was done by Zumeta in anticipation of the need of the Society of Reception. If we could ask him, “What do you mean by this drawing?”, “Heror sees the dean”, he would reply. And if we asked him again, forcing something else, with his usual humility, he would answer, “If I could say what I want to express with that, I wouldn’t draw.” He loved free creation and didn’t limit his thinking to anyone.

All that being said, all that remains is for us to provide the Host Society with the necessary support and assistance. Pay attention, therefore, to the points of sale that from now on will be installed from town to town, in order to acquire boxes sewn with works of art and especially to make registrations for the membership.

In order to keep the campaign warm, I would like to read about the works of art of other artists who are in solidarity if I could also take an imaginary look and share with all of us someone else’s encouragement.

Just as in the 1960s, with the help of artists, we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country, so that this time, using their impulses, we continue to make our way together, giving the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees the support they need, for the benefit of the Basque Country and the Basque citizens, dreaming of a new world.

Long live the reception! !
Long live the village! !
Long live the free Basque Country! !

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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