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Toxic relationships

  • Examples of vertical and asymmetric relationships are many, and we do not always have the same role. In this way, sometimes, some decide and work for the implementation of what is agreed; the rest has the function of carrying out or accepting the decisions taken “above”. Penalties for non-compliance with the assigned role.

28 October 2024 - 12:02

I'm not going to write about the relationship between political structure and economic power, because I don't know its internal dynamics. Yes, however, of the results that remain unseen, especially of the relations that are established in both areas in the whole of citizenship.

The inhabitants of the region of A Limia, in Ourense, cannot drink tap water, they necessarily have to buy water packaged by the purines that extend the meat factories

I had the opportunity to visit A Limia. The inhabitants of this region of Ourense cannot drink tap water; they have to purchase necessarily packaged water. This is due, in particular, to the pollution caused by purines spreading meat factories. In its waters the level of nitrates is 200 milligrams per litre, deposited at 50 milligrams by the World Health Organisation and the European Union.

There, the Coren company has a great deal of weight and in the pavilions especially broilers and pigs, as well as calves and rabbits. In the plains of A Limia there are between 400 and 500 nurseries, with a total of 75,000 “livestock units”. All in 30,000 hectares. In the region, all these animals generate the same amount of waste as 1.4 million people. The purines have spread immensely across the fields and the mountains. The demasia has been such that purines have begun to be exported to other regions.

Auga Limpa Xa citizenship! The platform consists of farmers and farmers who participate together with the public. One of the demands was not to authorise the opening of new incubators. The answer has been to halve the distance between the pavilions, now it's 500 meters.

We came to Euskal Herria, because here too we have the footprints of those relationships. I will reach them, however, on the other hand.

In Lekaroz, Palacio de Arozteguia S.L. bought 45 hectares of rustic land which were later recalified. Despite the opposition of the people to this tourism project, the Government of Navarra launched the Sectoral Plan and Project of Supramunicipal Incidence so that the City could decide above it to implement it.

Seven people face a 20-year prison sentence for peaceful protests against woodworking

On the occasion of peaceful protests against Aroztegia’s macro-tourism project, in 2021, seven people are expected to be sentenced to 20 years in jail and fines of 56,000 euros. They are accused of crimes of belonging to a criminal organization and of a crime of gender violence.

In the mountains of Iturrieta (Álava), in July 2021, while the route of the mountain march was defined against a wind power plant intended to be built there, two Ertzainas identified one of the members of the group. Eight months later, this member was informed of the opening of a dossier of penalties for violation of Article 35.6 of the Moorish Law, for the alleged refusal of the police petition and for the march.

After several appeals by Montaña Alavesa, Askek has reached the trial date: 29 October 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

The limit on the number of characters prevents me from the length of the list.

Some relationships are toxic. Especially for those of us who don't have public or economic power.

We will deal with the most horizontal and fair relations.

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